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The man stood in front of his bedroom window for hours: an experiment in Vienna

One day he knocked on the bedroom window of their ground floor apartment at 8am and didn’t leave until 11pm. When the stranger kept showing up, even though the 23-year-old had called the police and had him removed several times, she filed a report. The 22-year-old man was heard at the regional court on Tuesday.

“I liked her”

The public prosecutor charged the defendant with continued persecution (§ 107a StGB). After June 4, when he looked for hours into someone else’s bedroom facing the street, the man positioned himself in front of the apartment on June 11 and 14, July 23 and August 11 and 25 The person explained -accusation that the woman was looking through the window and saw the woman From the point of view of the public prosecutor, that person caused an unreasonable influence in her lifestyle.

The accused admitted to the stalking charge. “I developed feelings for her. I liked her,” he admitted. He was obviously not willing to talk to the person involved – for whatever reason.

“I was surprised”

For the 23-year-old, things weren’t exactly unpleasant. He also scared her, as she testified. The stranger also came across her while she was walking in a park and one day he was sitting a few meters away from her on the same bus. She later learned from the police that the accused had declared that he was “in love” with her: “I was surprised. I am married.” At the end of August she finally recorded him on video and described him. Since then she has had peace: “But I always feel that he is following me. I will not stay in this apartment again. I can’t stay there anymore.”

“It won’t happen again”

“It won’t happen again,” the defendant promised one judge Petra Poschalko in the end. Thanks to his full admission of responsibility and his previous clean record, the 22-year-old was acquitted The judge decided that they were released, which meant that the man was saved from a criminal record. He also agreed to do 120 hours of community service -his defense law more than 300 euros to the man of the person he affected in the hearing room as compensation – the woman herself had not made any claims during her questioning.

The decision is not legally binding formally. At first the prosecutor made no statement.


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