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the Maldarizzi – Il Tempo corporate convention on stage

(Adnkronos) – The annual Maldarizzi Automotive event took place on Sunday 17 December at the AncheCinema headquarters in Bari. The protagonists are people among talent, incentives, projects and recognitions

Bari, 18 December 2023. Staying human: this is how the 2023 Maldarizzi Automotive convention could be summed up in two words. “Just one night” was the name of the annual event that took place yesterday, Sunday 17 December, at the AncheCinema headquarters in Bari.

“We are more than 300 – declared on stage the Cavaliere del Lavoro Francesco Maldarizzi, President of Maldarizzi Automotive Spa – and today we share what was done in 2023 and the projects for 2024, with the acquisition of further brands and the start of work in our new headquarters. The convention is dedicated in particular to corporate welfare but we had the pleasure of hearing from the presidents of the car manufacturers we represent and who confirmed their trust in us for the coming years. We are market leaders in the area, the only dealership that is directly present in all the provinces of Puglia and Matera. Among the objectives achieved in 2023 is the consolidation of the company in the Lecce area and new brands”. During the event, a focus was also placed on the role of Artificial Intelligence in the world of work. “The world of AI started quickly – explained Dr. Maldarizzi – and in less than five years it will change over 75% of everyone’s attitudes, so much so that it is considered a prosthesis of the world of work. Those who dedicate themselves to reading and information will have the possibility of meritocratic growth thanks to the social lift. The social lift sees the possibility of improving social or economic position through education, access to new opportunities or other means of personal growth. Through personal effort, education, and opportunity, anyone can improve their social status, rising from a lower to a higher socioeconomic position. In this context, the social lift of artificial intelligence indicates the role that AI can play in facilitating access to social or professional opportunities.”

In the years of AI and continuous change, the company keeps its human resource solid, giving it value for growth that is with a view to everyone’s well-being. On stage, the Maldarizzi people: between speeches, numbers and moments of music entertained by those who make up the company, between talks and performances at the talent show, the evening saw everyone as protagonists. 2023 at Maldarizzi Automotive saw 51 new resources brought into the company, 55 students hosted for internships and school-work alternation courses. The company’s workers had the opportunity to dedicate themselves to language training, courses on safety for electrical products and themselves with the Well-be project thanks to two psychologists who were always available. During the convention, some projects for 2024 were also revealed: tax training and language training. From January there will be a new technological platform, which will allow workers’ sentiment to be collected and measured anonymously and constantly in relation to certain aspects, such as stress, motivation, trust and involvement towards the organisation, among the best solutions worldwide to scientifically analyze the corporate climate in an innovative and effective way.

Corporate welfare remains a cornerstone of Maldarizzi Automotive, which has also renewed and implemented a series of agreements to make shopping more attractive for each employee


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