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The Malaga Transfusion Center will give away a beach cooler to those who donate blood

A modest gift in exchange for blood or plasma, biological drugs that cure people and are achieved only with solidarity. With that idea, the Malaga Transfusion Center will deliver a Beach fridge to those who come to its facilities Hospital Civil to donate the next June 14 and 15 in a special collection which will last from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. A detail with which it will also celebrate the Blood Donor Daywhich is next Tuesday.

The initiative aims increase reservations for the summer in which donations tend to decrease. In addition, it is especially important if one takes into account that in the province, in the first five months of 2022 20,747 donations have been obtained (19,921 blood and 826 plasma), 5% less than the same period in 2021 (21,973). Every day you need to donate about 250 people in order to meet the needs of hospitals in Malaga, both public and private.

From the beginning of January to the end of May, 2,595 new donors have been registered, 2% more than in the same period of 2021 (2,521). 55% of the people who have attended for the first time to donate are women and 45% are men. The province has almost 56,428 active donors who have made at least one donation in the last 12 months.

The Malaga donor profile it is that of a man under the age of 40 who goes to the collections in mobile teams. However, the proportion changes among the youngest among whom half are men and the other half women.

By ages, the largest sector is the one that covers 41 to 50 years old, which represents 26.4% of the total. After them is the population that is under 31 years of age, whose percentage amounts to 26.2% of the global total figure. While the age range between 51 to 60 years includes 23.7% of donors. In fourth place are donors between 51 and 60 years old.

The Transfusion Center has recalled that hospitals need blood every day, so “invites citizens who are in good health, to come to the donation points and join this act of solidarity.” This year’s motto is Donating blood is an act of solidarity. Join us and help save lives.

Within the activities organized by the Transfusion Center, the delivery of diplomas and badges to donors of Malaga capital with more donations. Total son 459who can pick up their diploma and corresponding badge.

It will also be deployed in collaboration with the Olivares Foundation an information stand where donations will be encouraged with the delivery of a basket of healthy products. “We strongly request that you donate these days and we invite you to celebrate this day by setting an example of solidarity”, the professionals of the Transfusion Center have requested.

For plasma, advise make an appointment, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. by calling the phones 951034100/20/21.

On June 14 of each year, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated. Its objective is to make everyone aware of the need for blood and blood products transfusion insurance, and on the crucial contribution of donors to health systems.

“Safe blood and blood products, and their transfusion, are a fundamental aspect of public health and care. Every day save millions of lives and improve the health and quality of life of many patients. To guarantee that everyone who needs blood can access it, there must be voluntary donors, who donate blood periodically”, they have stressed from the Transfusion Center. In addition, they have recalled that people who come to donate at their facilities at the Civil Hospital you can park in this enclosure for free upon presentation of the stamped ticket.

Spain is one of the countries where blood donation is 100% voluntary and unpaid. According to data from the Ministry of Health, in 2021, 1,720,402 donations were made. These donations have made it possible to carry out 1,886,500 transfusions and have treated more than 493,000 patients.

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