Almost a year has passed since Russian forces invaded Ukraine. A majority of citizens are convinced that the Ukrainian forces (pictured) will succeed in defeating them. Photo: AP / NTB
The seas
16. feb. 2023 22:33 – Updated 16 Feb. 2023 22:33
A clear majority of EU citizens are convinced that Ukraine will emerge victorious from the war against Russia, a recent opinion poll shows.
61 percent of those questioned believe that Ukraine will win the war, according to the survey carried out by the Bertelsmann Foundation in Germany.
The Germans are somewhat more skeptical, but there too 55 percent believe that Ukraine will emerge victorious. What lies in the word victory is not further defined in the survey, which was carried out in December.
On the question of whether the EU’s economic sanctions against Russia have any effect, the skepticism, on the other hand, is greater. 40 per cent of EU citizens believe they have an effect, while the proportion in Germany is 35 per cent.
66 per cent of those asked give Russia the “main responsibility” for the war in Ukraine, while 11 per cent believe that the USA bears the greatest responsibility. 5 percent believe that the USA and Ukraine have shared the main responsibility for the war.
While 88 per cent of those asked in Poland say that Russia has the main responsibility for the war, the proportion is 54 per cent in Italy, where 23 per cent believe that the USA and NATO have the greatest responsibility.
68 percent of EU citizens see Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an attack on the whole of Europe. In Poland, the proportion is 79 per cent, while it is 78 per cent in Spain.