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The mainland has entered a high-incidence period of “flu” (Figure) Influenza | Pandemic | Society |

The mainland has entered a period of high incidence of “flu”. (Image source: video screenshot)

[Look at China, February 26, 2023](See Chinese reporter Yang Tianzi’s comprehensive report) The new crown epidemic in mainland China is still ongoing. Recently, students in primary and secondary schools in many places have developed fever symptoms.A stream“Currently causing panic among the people.

The mainland has entered a period of high incidence of influenza A

It is not yet clear what the truth is about the epidemic situation in the mainland, but the mainland media said“Flower A” has entered a period of high incidence.

According to the authorities, “Fluor A” is Type AinfluenzaThe abbreviation of influenza is a kind of influenza, which is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza A virus. Influenza A virus is the most prone to mutation among influenza viruses. It has strong pathogenicity, strong infectivity, rapid spread, and is easy to cause large-scale outbreaks. Almost every influenza pandemic in history is caused by influenza A. Viruses cause.

Influenza A virus is divided into many different subtypes according to the antigenicity of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). There are 18 types of HA and 11 types of NA. Theoretically, there are 198 different types of random combination. subtype.

Among influenza A viruses, H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9, which are found to directly infect humans, deserve special attention.Influenza A is highly pathogenic to humans and has repeatedly causedworldwide pandemic

Influenza A and 2019-nCoV infection are both respiratory diseases with similar infection symptoms, including fever, headache, myalgia, general discomfort and other symptoms.

The source of infection of “Fluor A” is mainly patients and latent infected persons. It is mainly transmitted through droplets between people, and can also be transmitted indirectly through contact with contaminated hands and daily utensils. The virus can be excreted from the body within 5 days after the onset of the disease, the infectious period is about 1 week, and the infectivity is the strongest within 2 to 3 days of the onset.

After being infected with “Fluor A”, the patient mainly manifests as a sudden high fever, often coughing, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose and other respiratory symptoms, accompanied by general discomfort such as headache and muscle aches, and the fever temperature can reach 39 ℃ ~ 40 ℃, Some may experience gastrointestinal discomfort. Children under 5 years old, elderly people over 65 years old, pregnant women, and people with underlying diseases such as diabetes and heart disease are more likely to develop influenza complications, such as respiratory failure, multiple organ insufficiency or failure, and other severe conditions. If shortness of breath, dyspnea, chest tightness, chest pain, palpitation, extreme fatigue; unresponsiveness, drowsiness, restlessness, convulsions; severe vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration; persistent high fever, etc., you need to be alert to severe cases and complications and seek medical advice in time .

The number of children with Shaoxing surged, experts reminded

According to a mainland media report on February 25, more than half a month after the start of school, many students in Shaoxing were infected with H1N1, which aroused the concern of many parents.

“In the past week or two, the number of children with influenza A has indeed increased significantly.” Yao Huanyin, director of the Department of Pediatrics at Shaoxing People’s Hospital, said that especially this week, 50 to 60 children with influenza A were treated every day, accounting for 50% of the total number of fever patients. one.

He said that influenza A is a self-limiting respiratory infectious disease, most of which are mild and can basically recover within a week. But there are also some children with severe respiratory infections, manifested as severe pneumonia. In addition, severe influenza A should also be careful of complications, such as nervous system involvement (febrile convulsions, encephalopathy, encephalitis, etc.), myositis, myocarditis, etc.

Monitoring information from the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the number of influenza-like cases received by hospitals has shown an upward trend for two consecutive weeks, and people under the age of 15 are the main group of patients, accounting for 46.87% of the influenza-like cases.

The results of etiological surveillance showed that in the seventh week of this year, the positive rate of influenza-like case specimens collected and submitted by the three sentinel hospitals for influenza surveillance in our city was 40.48%. The dominant strain of influenza has been converted from the seasonal H3 type to the new A H1 type in the sixth week, and the new A H1 type in the seventh week.

Source: Watch China

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