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The main thing is not to turn the barrels on the Belarusian side – a report from the eastern border

Belarus on the border side it is a small square with a few blocks, which the Belarusian border guards use as a pipe. Behind the square there is an opaque forest, a bush and trails that lead deeper into Belarus. Next to the blocks is the Latvian-Belarusian border trail, but on the Latvian side there is a winter field, which in the last days has turned into a sea of ​​mud. After the winter, a country road begins, along which you can get to the Latvian village of Indra. It was the border section between the Belarusian blocks and the Latvian winters that was the hottest point this summer, from which Belarusians were driven into Latvia. Iraqi and refugees from other countries.

This section of the Latvian-Belarusian border, over which about 500 illegal border violators tried to enter our country this summer, is the first to be at the temporary barbed wire fence. Barbed wire was donated to Latvia by Slovenian colleagues, and from the approximately 130-kilometer-long Latvian-Belarusian land border, which Latvia has to protect, 1.7 kilometers will now be more difficult for illegal crossers to cross.

A small part of the required fence

“The fence is sharp like a razor blade, I almost cut it myself,” admits Delfi State Border Guard (VRS) Senior Inspector Senior Lieutenant Mārtiņš Krīviņš, who is also responsible for patrolling the dangerous section of the Latvian-Belarusian border.

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