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the main reason to apply for loans online in 2021 – Firmat24

With more than 10 years of experience in the market, Ixpandit Fintech Factory conducted the second survey in July 2021 among its users, borrowers, to find out their profiles and needs.

“In this last sample, which we carry out among our users, the trend of those who request a loan for the debt cancellation. This confirms what we saw in May of this year, which was 39%, whereas now in August there is a strong rise in 57.5%, says Florencia Valdes, Marketing Manager at Ixpandit Fintech Factory.

In addition, there are other reasons for the destination of the funds. The home arrangements, also shows an ascent with a 21.3% against 18% with respect to the sample carried out in May of this year. To these, the payment of services and the purchase of medicines (7,5% each), while purchases for the supermarket reached 6.3%.

Adelantos.com has a Data Analysis team, which evaluates each request through different variables using artificial intelligence. This allows you to cross-reference data and achieve a 30% pass rate. Valdes adds: “Most are micro loans of up to 20,000 pesos, with an average of $ 5,000. The most active age groups in taking loans are 30/39 years old (33%) and those over 60 years old (33%), followed by those 40/49 (19%), 50/60 (9%) and finally 18/29 (6%) ”.

The Province of Buenos Aires is the territory where the largest portion of borrowers are found with 42.9%, followed by the City of Buenos Aires and the Province of Córdoba with 6.5%.

Among the reasons why they resorted to an online loan through Adelantos.com, users again prioritize the speed with which the deposit is made (37%); followed by the amount approved according to your credit risk (27%) and in third place, the comfort to carry out the operation (15%).

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