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The main reason for the divorce of Asmus and Kharlamov

And his ex warned Christina Asmus: you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune!

Another star couple announced a divorce: the 39-year-old Garik Kharlamov and the 32-year-old Kristina Asmus, it turns out, have been living together for almost a year now. And supposedly parting friends – not because of someone’s betrayal, but because “there is nothing infinite on the earth” (Kharlamov thinks so). Let’s see how things really are and what nevertheless served as the reason for the end of the seven-year marriage.

Once I flew to the Cannes Film Festival. My armchair neighbor turned out to be Yulia Leshchenko. A very attractive girl. They say about such people – “real”. We chatted the whole flight. About different things. Then she was going to marry Garika Kharlamovawith whom she cohabited for several years. She quit work for his sake, became his cook, housemaid, counselor. In a word, she lost her head from love.

– Garik is very pleased to be the main in the family, the earner. I’m ready to play along with him because I love him, ”Leshchenko said.

Garik portrayed love and devotion for seven years

Before Julia and Garik got married, he appeared in his life Kristina Asmus.

– It disgusts me not from treason, but from his meanness and lies. I felt everything, I saw these eyes of a deer on the phone … Garik dismissed: “What are you doing ?! I had nothing and cannot be with her! ” He puffed us both in bed, trying to conceive a child. We must pay tribute to Asmus – I won in this competition, – Julia shrugged. “But happiness cannot be built on someone else’s misfortune.” Breaking up families and building their own on these debris is an ungrateful undertaking. It will be funny if everything happens again after the same seven years as we have with him.

How she looked into the water! It is said that for seven years and this marriage, Kharlamov touched not only his skinny wife. However, Kristinka is good. Last May, she flew with her daughter to the Emirates. Allegedly together. Then no one attached any importance to this, but the question hung in the air: “Why without a husband, if there were no special reasons not to go together?”

A few months later, when the film “Text” was released, the family started talking louder and already called the name of the “third” who broke the “strong” acting couple. And, surprisingly, he was not at all Ivan Yankovskywith whom Christina in the film has a number of intimate episodes, and Sasha Petrov, with whom Asmus has long and closely communicated on stage and in the dressing rooms of the Theater. Ermolova, where both serve.

Connected by one “Text”: director Klim Shipenko (on June 10 he became twice dad - actress wife Sonya Karpunina gave birth to a brother's daughter) with the main characters - Petrov and Asmus
Connected by one “Text”: director Klim Shipenko (on June 10 he became twice dad – actress wife Sonya Karpunina gave birth to a brother’s daughter) with the main characters – Petrov and Asmus

– On tour, we saw Chris leaving the room of Sani in the morning. Everyone happens … She can be understood: her husband is not a supermacho. Sometimes you want to run into something solid, and not in the jelly tummy of even a beloved man, – they laugh in the theater. – You can’t even call this a novel: a colleague helps a colleague discharge after a hard day – and that’s all!

Kharlamov also blocked his wife:

– My wife is an actress. I am proud of her! Yes, she acts in sexy lingerie, in candid scenes. In the film “Text” it turned out very frankly, on the verge. So what? how Brad Pitt allowed to do it Jolie?! This movie!

Garik suffered, of course, not there. How “this movie” ended with Pitt and Jolie, we know. It ended with Kharlamov.

Six-year-old Nastya will live with her mother Kristina in a country house - from there she is closer to school.  September 1, the girl goes to first grade.  Papa Garik has already moved to an apartment on Prospekt Mira.
Six-year-old Nastya will live with her mother Kristina in a country house – from there she is closer to school. September 1, the girl goes to first grade. Papa Garik has already moved to an apartment on Prospekt Mira.

New chapter

– The crisis of seven years of marriage, which can last two to three years, few people manage to survive. For this, the spouses must have a really very strong spiritual connection, respect, understanding, – says a family psychologist Tatyana Borovskaya. – It is proved that during this period the peak of fatigue from each other reaches its highest point. Lost sexual desire. Life oppresses. Spouses are trying to separately spend their holidays, some are dispersed to different apartments. If the distance only increases the gap, then the couple divorced. How to avoid all this? It must be remembered that the stamp in the passport is not the final point of relationship. We need to work on them constantly. After marriage, the birth of a child – especially. In no case put an end to their appearance. And the main reason for the gap between Asmus and Kharlamov is the destruction of hopes. On the one hand, Garik is pleased that his wife has become popular, on the other – now she disappears for a long time on the set and her whole world has ceased to revolve around her husband. And the main thing should be him. And believe my many years of experience: in this story it was not without a third party, from whom Christina and Garik dismissed. Until. Looking at their joint photos of recent years, you do not even need to delve into the essence of the problem – it is clear that these two have no longer sexually satisfy each other. But at the same time they did not stop looking sexually active.

Astrologer from “Let’s get married!” Vasilisa Volodina considers the star couple’s divorce to be natural:

– Everything is not simple for them: different value systems, ideas about what feelings and family are. I will quote a simple and convenient way to analyze male preferences from my book “Seduction Astrology” by the example of Garik – his Venus in Pisces, and the Moon in Sagittarius: “My wife should correspond to me, cool, stimulate and support in convincing my own greatness (for example, let her be a beauty and popular actress). And at the same time, she should be quiet enough, docile and gentle (and here is a problem, with the bright Christina – the Aries girl, who also has Venus-Mars airy). ” We see that Kharlamov, in principle, has a complex set of expectations from a woman: the tasks of the girlfriend of life discord with a pleasant type of behavior. Why is marriage breaking now? The retro Venus in Gemini has grown a desire to break free from mutual responsibility right tomorrow, although divorce has long been resolved. And the recent solar eclipse prompted to announce the beginning of a new chapter in life for each of them.

Photo from the personal archive of stars

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