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The main news of the week on France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne

Yesterday, Friday 11 November, was the anniversary of the end of the 14/18 war. We were interested in the roles dogs play during conflicts! Such an important role that less than a month ago a memorial was inaugurated in Suippes, in the Marne. It is the first of its kind in France.

Our farmers are in bad shape and we have to make it known by all means. This is why this week the Solidarité Paysans Marne-Ardenne association, which helps those who encounter difficulties, brought the theater group En Compagnia des Oliviers to the agricultural school of Rethel in the Ardennes.

Unusual structures to play in the city. In Champagne-Ardenne, two projects plan to integrate games for children but also for adults in the public space.

In the city of Bezannes, 4,500 inhabitants according to the last census, there is one of the largest private clinics in France – the Polyclinic of Reims Bezannes -, the Champagne Ardenne TGV station, the headquarters of many large companies, thousands of lodgings built for 10 years but ……… no post office!

The blue submarine, dive report at Atelier Contal at Banogne-Recouvrance in the Ardennes. A peasant family very attached to the quality of their crops and also very attached to the social values ​​of inclusiveness.

The great team every day in the 16 – 18 of France Bleu Champagne Ardenne. On Tuesday, Camille Esnault received the Together 2 Generations association which is committed to fighting the loneliness of the elderly and the precariousness of students.

You may have noticed it in the supermarket, some products are labeled “Made in Marne”. This is the label created a year ago by the county council to reward our producers and farmers who are part of a 100% local approach.

Story of a successful conversion. Antoine Devaux, a former Stade de Reims player from 2012 to 2018, is now head sommelier of the La Grande Georgette restaurant in Reims, at the foot of the cathedral.

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