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The Main Causes of Quick Coupling Erodes

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Question: Why can a clutch of a manual transmission vehicle run out quickly?

Penanya: @tomiwahyusantoso

Answer: First, it is because the clutch pedal does not reach full or when the left foot is only ‘superimposed’ on the clutch pedal.

In that condition the driver feels as if he is not stepping on the pedals, but usually it makes the clutch lining erode quickly or wear out quickly.

The second mistake is because the clutch pedal density settings are not quite right so that the conditions do not step on the clutch pedal, but actually the clutch plate is still eroded.

Third is the erosion of the clutch because the installation of new clutch plates that are less precise.

Provis – Tangerang, Banten (IG Provisautolab)

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