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The Maidan case: the machine gunner of the Omega special squad will go on trial

Photo: aflyonthewallblog.wordpress.com

Protests on the Maidan

The machine gunner of a separate special forces unit and the fight against terrorism Omega in February 2014 wounded two participants in the Euromaidan in the center of Kiev.

The Pechersk District Court of Kiev sent an indictment against a former officer, machine gunner of a separate special forces detachment and the fight against terrorism Omega on the fact of the murders of protesters on February 20, 2014 on Instytutska Street in Kiev. About it informs press service of the Office of the Prosecutor General.

“According to the investigation, the former serviceman of the Omega special detachment, acting jointly and in coordination with the employees of the so-called” black company “of the Berkut, directly took part in the group committing a terrorist act – the execution of lethal shots from firearms at unarmed protesters on Institutskaya Street. Their goal was to commit murders of protesters in a life-threatening manner to stop the protest actions, “the message says.

It is noted that the defendant wounded two Euromaidan participants.

When committing a crime, the machine gunner put on a balaclava mask “to prevent his identification and avoid criminal liability.”

The accused is charged with abuse of authority by a law enforcement officer, committing a terrorist attack, premeditated murder and attempted murder, as well as obstruction of meetings, rallies, and processions.

As a reminder, the court allowed absentee investigation into ex-president Viktor Yanukovych in the case of organizing a number of grave and especially grave crimes, including the premeditated murders of protesters in February 2014 on the Independence Square.

It was also reported that two Berkut members received three years in prison for the dispersal of the Maidan. Victor Eismont and Vladimir Mokhon were also banned from holding positions in law enforcement for three years.

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