49 minutes ago
Meriem Uzerli
Now it is already difficult to imagine “The Magnificent Century” without the usual actors. Meryem Uzerli, Halit Ergench and other Turkish artists from the project entered the historical images so successfully that after leaving the series, Meryem had a real scandal. Until now, many are interested in whether the “Magnificent Century” would have been so successful if other stars were involved.
When the creators of the series conducted the casting, there were many problems. Especially with the choice of a girl for the lead role. The scriptwriters and the director had certain ideas about who should play Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan. And they had a lot of contenders. So, for example, Fahriye Evcen auditioned for the main role in the project, whose fame increased after filming in another Turkish hit “Korolek – a singing bird.”
Be that as it may, the director of The Magnificent Century eventually chose Meryem Uzerli, who barely speaks Turkish, who, after a black streak in her career, fled from Germany to her historical homeland on the call of a friend. And in the end, no one failed. Thanks to Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, Meryem became famous all over the world, and the creators of the series got the perfect actress.
Another celebrity could play the majestic Shah Sultan. Deniz Chakyr is often put on a par with Uzerli. This Turkish star managed to perfectly embody the image of the majestic and insidious sister of Padishah Suleiman on small screens.
In addition to Deniz, Aslikhan Gyurbaz also claimed this place – fans of the “Magnificent Century” remember her in the role of Halime Sultan from the “Empire of Kesem”. Those who watched the direct continuation of the story of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Suleiman know that Aslihan managed to create one of the most memorable female images in this project. So she certainly would have coped with the role of Shah-i-Khuban.
With male characters in the “Magnificent Century” is also interesting. It seems that every actor is there in his place. However, few people know that the adult sehzade Selim could not be played by Engin Ozturk, but by his colleague Metin Akdülger. Outwardly, he fit this image, but the director of the tape eventually chose the Ozturk he liked more. However, as in the case of Aslikhan Gyurbaz, Metin was lucky in the future and was called to the Kesem Empire – in this series he played a descendant of Sultan Suleiman Murad IV.