America’s greatest talent is the ability to turn almost anything into an entertainment show – from baking cakes and investigating crimes to driving trucks across frozen lakes and raising children which is rude. There’s a reality show about everything. Finance, of course, is an exception. I recently had the opportunity to observe the small festival of capitalism that has turned into a tourist entertainment – the beginning and end of the financial trading day at the largest stock exchanges in the world in New York. There were surprises, disappointments and reflections that we could borrow from across the ocean.
Finanšu kvartāla šaurās, eiropiešiem labāk saprotamās ieliņas apvienojumā ar debesskrāpjiem atgādina par to, cik fiziski mazs un cik finansiāli nevarīgs esi. Iespējams, arī Donaldam Trampam reiz radās šāda sajūta, jo, kā stāstīja vietējie, viņa ēka ir vienīgā ar lielu uzrakstu virs durvīm. Tur gozējas liels zeltīts uzraksts TRUMP. Parējām tāda nav. Jo nevajag – visi zina, kuram miljardierim vai korporācijai tā pieder. Iespējams, bijušajam prezidentam, kurš, kā daudzkārt ziņojuši mediji, nekad nav bijis tik turīgs, kā viņam gribētos, radušies kompleksi tieši tur.
Bet ne par to. Divi pieminētie sirds kambari ir pasaules galvenās biržas – NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The largest and most expensive companies in the world are listed on these exchanges. Getting there is the dream of many companies. To understand the difference, it can be said that last December the value of each NYSE company exceeded 25 trillion dollars, NASDAQ 23 trillion, while the value of the closest follower, Euronext, was only 6.8 trillion. So almost four times less. Recently also “Delphi business“I wrote about the calculation that says – to put the rest of the world to shame, you don’t even need to count all the companies listed on the stock exchange. Just take the seven big American tech giants.
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2024-05-10 19:30:00
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