Circle lip. In the upcoming Advent season they are booming again: the angels. “As a messenger of God, mostly with wings, supernatural being”, that’s how they are defined by the Duden. The LZ, on the other hand, is more interested in the second category, which the reference work lists: “People acting as helpers or saviors”.
We are convinced that Lippe is also full of small and large angels without wings. When looking for them, you, dear readers, should give us the crucial tips. The question is very simple: Who is an angel for you? Who would you like to officially say thank you to?
The answers can be as varied as life. Parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren. The best friend, the best buddy. The neighbor, the bus driver or the supermarket cashier. Your thanks can be for a long period of time or just for a fleeting moment. To help that you did not expect and that made you particularly happy.
We look forward to your suggestions. For the transmission, please use an online form that is hidden behind the Internet address Or you pick up the phone and tell our reader service on Tel. (05231) 911-333 who you want to thank and why. There is only one condition of participation: Your candidate must not be shy of photos, because we would like to report in the LZ about the various stories that lie behind the nominations. We have reserved a few pages for this in the Christmas supplement on December 24th.
The editors will make a selection from the suggestions received and then make their way to the various Lippe “Christmas angels”. Always as gifts in their luggage: a symbolic wooden angel – made in the workshops of Lebenshilfe Detmold – and a bouquet of flowers Corona situation, we would be happy if we could take pictures of the “angel” and the tipster at the handover.