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The “Lumen” opens: From July back to the cinema in Solingen

In the foyer of the Solingen cinema “Das Lumen” things could get livelier again from June. Photo: Lumen

Solingen. The Solingen cinema “Das Lumen” is expected to open again for visitors from Sunday, July 1st.

The corona pandemic has severely affected cinema operators, with falling numbers of cases there are now hopes of an early restart. The “Lumen” in Solingen has been closed since November 2nd. Since then, nothing has been going on there – “except for the costs”, say the cinema operators. The second lockdown left deep economic scars.

The management has now announced that operations will resume on July 1st
should be: “We have been planning with this date for weeks. A few days ago the cinema associations officially announced that this date should be the starting signal for the German cinema industry as a whole, ”said Meinolf Thies.

The reopening of the cinemas is a synchronous act. It is very important that all cinemas reopen on the same date, because otherwise the film distributors have no planning basis and no nationwide platform to start their new films successfully, explains the Solingen cinema Lumen. Without a uniform date, the big launches with hit potential would be held back, which in turn would deprive the cinemas of profitability.

Lutz Nennmann: “The vaccination status that continued until the beginning of July, the upcoming holiday start in North Rhine-Westphalia, the extensive corona test options and just seven EM games that are still taking place in July – everything speaks for this date!”.

Films with blockbuster potential are ready for launch

Lutz Nennmann also refers to the current film release calendar. Well-known productions are waiting there that have been backing up there for months because the way to the screen was blocked by the virus pandemic. Around 30 starts are currently on the list for July alone. These include such prominent blockbuster contenders as “Godzilla vs. Kong”, “Catweazle” with Otto Waalkes, “Monster Hunter”, “Peter Hase 2”, “The Croods 2”, “Fast & Furious 9” and the new part of “Hotel Transylvania”.

“In June we will actively approach our contact persons at the health department. Firstly, we need framework conditions that are at least as practicable as those after the first lockdown and, secondly, we need planning in advance, ”explains Meinolf Thies. “By this we mean that you do not have to wear masks at your own seat and that a minimum distance of one seat to the right and left is sufficient between the individual ticket bookings. With our seating, this means a distance of at least 1.20 meters in all directions. Our extensive hygiene concept had already fully proven itself between the two lockdowns! ”.

After the first lockdown, the requirement of a minimum distance in the hall was even completely dispensed with in NRW, provided that contact data was recorded completely. That was already given in the lumen. Nevertheless, the Solingen operators voluntarily maintained a minimum distance by leaving a seat free between all bookings.

“We assume, but we also expect that politicians will finally take into account what is long overdue, namely the available scientific evidence clearly demonstrates how safe it is to go to the cinema with a view to infection and there has not yet been a single proven case of infection worldwide in a movie theater. Therefore there is no reason to impose conditions that take away our profitability. We are therefore finally optimistic about the future and intend to give our guests full throttle again from July 1st! ” so Nennmann and Thies in unison.

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