The tabular volume of the luggage as such often promises a lot, but the reality is often different. “Litres are not always a clear indicator of the size of the trunk,” admits Jitka Jechová, PR manager of Toyota and Lexus CR. “The shape of the suitcase as such and the correct folding are also important.” Both Barboras – swimmer Seemanová and tennis player Strýcová – were convinced of this.
At first glance, the challenge really seems a bit curious – each had to fit ten bulky pieces of luggage into their Toyota car with the help of common sense and ingenuity (or even a reasonable amount of violence). As if that wasn’t enough, each of them had to throw in three more pieces of luggage as a bonus, which none of them can do without – and then repeat the whole process.
This, of course, puts Seeman at a disadvantage with the smaller C-HR model with a paper luggage volume of 380 liters, but she did not hang her head – after all, for a crew of 4, this luggage size is easily enough for a weekend trip, and with a little effort, even for a vacation.
Photo: Toyota Czech Republic
Bára Seemanová’s smaller Toyota C-HR may have a smaller luggage compartment on paper, but the absence of children’s “gear” made up for its disadvantage.
The fact that both participants are of the fairer sex adds spice to this shooting specialty – men would be fine with a few pairs of shorts and socks, throw in a mobile phone charger, a toothbrush… and that’s it. However, ladies have a much longer list of must-have items, not to mention the necessary sports gear and equipment.
Seemanová, for example, prepared a recovery roller, a bag with complete swimming equipment, and a bowl for her devoted four-legged companion in addition to the prepared suitcases, backpacks and bags.
From the beginning it was clear that (partly due to the handicap of a smaller luggage volume) she used a lot of imagination and helped herself by systematic organization. That’s why she surprisingly managed to place, or rather squeeze, all the luggage in the trunk of her car. And for the first time!
Bára Strýcová’s RAV4 model officially has a luggage compartment that is 200 liters more voluminous, but it cannot be said that she could handle the shooting with a finger in her nose – her cute “handicap” was her son Vincent, whose mandatory equipment bit off a relatively large part of the excess 200 liters of capacity compared to the C-HR model.
The initial confidence was replaced by a slight nervousness at the clumsiness of her luggage, the comment “So this is going to be interesting” says it all. However, the RAV4 SUV did not disappoint Strýcová and she placed all large and small luggage in the trunk without much difficulty. It cannot be denied that the willing helper Vincent also contributed to the successful shipment. At the end, a tennis racket came as an imaginary icing on the cake.
2023-06-12 06:02:26
#Bára #Strýcová #Bára #Seemanová #puts #trunk #Toyota #Garáž.cz