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“The lower playoff will be extremely difficult …” »abseits.at

With ten draws, Vienna Austria is the draw king of the domestic Bundesliga. After the disappointing 0: 0 against SKN St.Pölten, the opinions of Austria fans in the Austrian Soccer Board, Austria’s largest football forum, have been gathered.

HwG: “UPO (= relegation battle) pure. Insane at what level we are now playing. 70% possession of the ball. Output? Nothing! “

Goldbaer: “Are you foolish, we are apparently completely powerless against low-lying opponents and if they stand up we don’t hold the 0. It will be an extremely difficult UPO. “

behave yourself: “The game was insane, so many mistakes and a completely conceptual offensive. At least it is now ok to the rear, but that’s cruel to look at. At least it’s getting warmer now, otherwise there won’t be 4000 people coming to the rest of the games … “

AlfredoD .: “In the end nothing happened, except that we now go into the qualification group with 13 points and be the first. Now at home the Admira, then out of St.Pölten and at home Altach. the first place among the last should be pretty safe. “

tifoso vero: “Our coach finally wanted us to get the good halves of the past across the season. Unfortunately we only played through the bad ones today. Our hopefuls (except Sarkaria and Palmer-Brown?) Were bad across the board. But you could also see that things don’t go so well if supports like Grünwald and Klein don’t play. All in all, no broken leg for the table, but for morale? I do not know. We can’t tear anything like that, I mean. And yes, with VAR we should have got two penalties today. But that doesn’t comfort me. “

Gemma Austria: “Has become really pointless. Ilzer has to go no matter what it costs. Please don’t let a task force decide. Pull up Suchard, give him the time. Ilzer had enough chances. Please ban interviews for all players, it is call murder what is going on around there. Simply embarrassing and terrifying. “

Title: “One of our worse games. Sax was just really weak, otherwise the lineup was ok. This is Austria Vienna 2020, but maybe the physical steel bath UPO is also good for something. It just hurts to watch. But you can philosophize well over a beer if it gets too bad. “

vamp_ire: “What a weak game between two average Bundesliga teams. We play without an idea, without a concept. With the exception of Palmer Brown and Sarkaria, this is a catastrophic performance. Feels like 80% in the opposing half without emitting any danger. Our substitutes bring 0. “

DrSaurer: “Only 2 big chances against the bottom of the table. I don’t want to deny the team’s commitment and will, you just can’t do it anymore. The changes were again much too late, as if the coach was satisfied with the game until the 75th minute. We won’t have anything to do with the descent, but of course that’s far too little. Ilzer should be gone as soon as possible. I’m really pissed off. “

maxglan: “Of course, we are all now eaten up and disappointed with the performance. It’s no different for me, but if the ball from Pichler or the one at the end of Monschein somehow rolls in, everyone is now talking about a deserved work victory. So the doomsday mood prevails again. Today Fitz noticed me somewhat positively on the somewhat unusual 8th position. In halftime 1 he pulled the strings and played some very good exchange passes. Madl is also very solid for me (apart from his weakness in graduation). Poulsen is physically strong, but not a kicker. Technically the weakest in the starting eleven by far. And Edomwonyi .. I just can’t figure that out. Maybe Ilzer sees something that we all don’t see, but what you see from him on the pitch is a complete failure every single time. ”

Ezio: “Our quality is no longer there. Even though we have caught ourselves and are playing a little better than at the beginning of the season, we are at the zenith. The squad misses will certainly feel two more seasons if none of our shares take over. Vicious circle, no money, no players, no player sales without the Europa League … “

culixo: “Well, it was certainly not a brilliant game today, but for us it’s like the Corona virus: one wonders whether hysteria is not the bigger problem than the virus. That means I didn’t find it as underground as often shown here. Extremely defensive opponent and we are not ready to break it down playfully, although we almost made it towards the end. In any case, a 3 Series would have been more than deserved. In the back, we admitted practically nothing. ”

AngeldiMaria: “A lean game in which the young players missed something. But I accept it. But don’t just demonize and put it on the bench. Only through game practice can you get the necessary self-confidence and the familiarity that this team needs. Therefore I did not understand a sax, madl, jeggo in the starting eleven. Would rather have seen Maudo, Ebner and Pichler right from the start. ”

DeusAustria: “The day after, I stick to it, that was mostly shit for 90 minutes. In the UPO, with the exception of Altach, all opponents will stand so low and will only be out to destroy. This can be incredibly quick. Then I don’t want to have to tremble 2 rounds before the end, that you might still be the last. It’s really amazing how you just can’t get Karren Austria Vienna out of the dirt. ”

Gizmo: “A game to forget for me. Ilzer in an attempt to line up the players who were the “better” last week, but also to bring a little routine into the team. From my point of view, we now have exactly the problem that goes with the “youth craze”: inconsistent performance. One cannot expect constant performance from a Wimmer, Pichler, Fitz and yesterday’s game was a symbol of it, in which the boys had rather weak days. […] 90 minutes of emotionless kick where you never had the feeling that the team understood that they had to deliver – that’s the most worrying thing for me. ”

You can find more fan opinions on FK Austria Wien in the Austria forum of the Austrian Soccer Board.

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