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The Lost Trust in Lebanese Banks: A Revealing History of Depositor Betrayal and Financial Exploitation

Lebanese banks have lost the confidence of current and future depositors since they decided to seize people’s deposits without accountability or oversight since October 2019.

The banks – supported by the Bank of Lebanon and the Prime Minister and Parliament – refuse to take even a single step backwards under false pretexts.

Today we will reveal the history of the return of this lost trust. But some facts must be remembered:

In October 2019, the banks closed their doors for three weeks and then seized depositors’ funds.
Between October 2019 and the end of February 2020, banks allowed depositors to withdraw partial funds from their accounts.
At the beginning of March 2020, banks took advantage of the effects of the spread of the Corona epidemic and the general closures to stop giving depositors a portion of their money.
– Corona receded, the banks opened their doors and “confused” about the issue of withdrawing funds, and the Bank of Lebanon did not move a finger.
– Banks benefited from banking platform commissions for months at a rate ranging between 3 and 5% on transactions that amounted to and sometimes exceeded $150 million per day… and they reaped huge profits.
– She invented the heresy labels “Lollar” and “Fresh” and marketed them to convince people that their money had an expiry date.
– She worked and is working hard to write off the depositors’ income with Prime Minister Mikati, the first sponsor and friend of the banks.
– It rejected and refuses to develop Circular 158 or its derivatives, for example, and others in terms of increasing the level of withdrawals.
– Eyewitnesses tell of the quantities of cash dollars found inside bank rooms and safes.
– Banks refuse to take a step back and act arrogantly with depositors.
– It is working hard to launch new cards and new accounts with the concept of fresh dollars.
In short, the banks operate on the principle of “we survive and the depositor goes bankrupt,” relying on excessive support from the Bank of Lebanon and the state.
Based on all of this, and since the banks have no intention of conceding, there is no point in dealing with them again.

Therefore, it seems that confidence in Lebanese banks will return on the following date:
On the Day of Judgment!

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2024-03-05 06:22:45
#return #confidence #banks #date..

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