Home » Entertainment » The Longevity and Resilience of Aragonese Music Awards in Spain

The Longevity and Resilience of Aragonese Music Awards in Spain

While none of the musical awards at the Spanish level have achieved
consolidate, those of Aragonese music continue forward with the 20th century
as a starting time. Not even the Awards
of the Spanish Music of the Sgae, nor
the Amigo Awards from Promusicae, nor
the rest of the awards that have attempted to recognize the work of people of
music from all over the country, have survived. Regarding local awards,
territories such as Valencia, Galicia,
Madrid and Catalonia have some
similar to those of Aragon and only Catalonia beats us in number of editions; they only started one year
before us.
We are, therefore, the second prizes
oldest in Spain in terms of
popular music is concerned. let us continue
forward, watching us go through times
more stable and more uncertain, it depends
about you and the public knows that. Your reading has reached this point. Thanks for
give us a chance. Your interest in
This project may mean that a
another year the dream of so many people
can continue to materialize in a
real event to support our culture,
with Aragón always ahead.

2024-01-18 09:27:16

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