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The Long Tail of Speech to the Baha’i People Is Not a Problem for the Minister of Religion of Yaqut


The Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas did not care about the spotlight directed at him regarding the greeting of Naw-Ruz 178 EB to the community Baha’i. Yaqut confirms his presence at community events Baha’i is in accordance with the constitution.

The spotlight on Yaqut appeared on social media as seen on Tuesday (27/7/2021). A number of netizens questioned the reason for Yaqut to congratulate the Baha’i community. Some netizens also mentioned the status Baha’i in Indonesia.

Related Yaqut statement video Baha’i it was also uploaded on the Baha’i Indonesia YouTube account. The video was uploaded on March 26, 2021.

“Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Peace be upon us all. To the brothers of the Bahá’í community wherever they are, I wish you a happy celebration of Naw-Ruz 178 EB. A day of renewal that marks the spiritual and physical spring, after the Bahá’ís i made fasting for 19 days, “said Yaqut beginning his statement.

Yaqut also conveyed the message of the unity of all elements of the nation. In addition, he stressed the importance of religious moderation.

“Hopefully this holiday can be an opportunity and momentum for our entire nation to stay in touch and strengthen unity and integrity, upholding the values ​​of religious moderation that religion needs to be a means that provides a spiritual stimulus for the Indonesian people to always work together and progress,” Yaqut continued in the video.

Minister of Religion’s Response

When asked to comment on the spotlight, Yaqut explained his reasons for attending the Baha’it community event. Here’s more:

PNPS Law No. 1 of 1965

article 1
Everyone is prohibited from intentionally telling in public, advocating or seeking public support, to interpret a religion adhered to in Indonesia or to carry out religious activities that resemble religious activities of that religion, which interpretations and activities deviate from the main points of view. the subject of that religion.


article 1
By the words “In the Public Face” is meant what is commonly meant by those words in the Book of Criminal Law. The religions embraced by the people in Indonesia are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Khong Hu Cu (Confucius).

This can be proven in the history of the development of religions in Indonesia.

Because these 6 kinds of religions are religions that are embraced by almost the entire population of Indonesia, then unless they get guarantees as provided by article 29 paragraph 2 of the Constitution, they also get assistance and protection as provided by this article.

This does not mean that other religions, for example: Judaism, Zarasustrian, Shinto, Taoism are prohibited in Indonesia. They have the full guarantee as provided by article 29 paragraph 2 and they are allowed to exist, provided they do not violate the provisions contained in this regulation or other legal regulations.

Against the body/flow of the mind, the Government strives to channel it towards a healthy outlook and towards the Supreme Deity.

This is in accordance with the provisions of MPRS No. II/MPRS/1960, appendix A. Field I, number 6.

By the words “religious activities” are meant all kinds of activities of a religious nature, for example naming a sect as Religion, using terms in carrying out or practicing the teachings of one’s beliefs or performing worship and so on. The main points of religious teachings can be known by the Ministry of Religion, which has the tools/methods to investigate them.

Watch the video ‘The Controversy of the Minister of Religion Saying Hari Raya to the Baha’i Community:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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