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The long tail of a truck driver flushing a toilet near Cawang city forest


The toilet vacuum truck was caught by a resident in the middle carelessly throwing feces in a ditch near the forest road of Cawang City, East Jakarta (East Java). As a result, the truck driver was arrested.

In the circulating video, seen on Monday (11/21/2022), a yellow truck is seen at the side of the road. Behind the truck, you can see stacks of pipes making it look like a sewage truck.

Then the recorder caught the truck. Immediately the truck hit the gas leaving the position.

The recorder then pointed his camera at a road ditch. You can see a water spill suspected of wasting around the ditch.

“Take it here, here’s the license plate,” said the tape recorder.

The truck’s registration number shows B-9631-UFA. This incident is said to have occurred on Sunday (20/11), at 0745 WIB.

Driver arrested

Yogi Ikhwan, public relations manager for environment agency DKI Jakarta, confirmed that the lorry driver had been arrested. He is now being scrutinized intensely.

“He was caught. It is now being processed for BAP (investigation report),” said Yogi.

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