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The long breath threatens to run out

Is this proposal written as a requiem for the music campus? Or is the demand that the state make a written and binding commitment to financing the new music college as a building block within the overall project by the end of the year intended to give the whole project a serious boost?

The latter would be a rather unusual approach in the political strategy game – at least if one continues to be fundamentally convinced of the idea and the partner. If the Greens, SPD, Volt and FDP are now pushing for a showdown at the end of the year, they may be expressing their understandably growing doubts – apart from the already more than challenging financing. Nevertheless, they are doing this at a point in the process where the actual issue is to decide on an urban development competition for the music campus, which should make the cultural showcase project, which is unparalleled nationwide, more conceivable for the public. In any case, the state is unlikely to allow itself to be publicly coerced by the council.

Eight years of planning in danger

Those in Münster, who have always been against the triad of the university’s music academy, the municipal music school and the joint event location on Hittorfstrasse, will probably be happy with the exit scenario. But this fig leaf is unlikely to be a good reason for abandoning eight years of planning in a Wild West manner.

Too little backing for the project

The project clearly lacks the support and a strong commitment that was recently seen with the stadium. Prominent advocates have hardly been heard of recently. The CDU remains loyal to the music campus, but is currently alone in the council and is unlikely to fight a losing battle. In any case, the proposal from the four parties has not caused a public outcry.

And Mayor Markus Lewe now appears to be letting the game take its course. The long-term perspective is running out. The music campus is now surrounded by many minor tones, perhaps too many. Sad.

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