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“The lockdown is already foreseen”. So the Democratic Party has imposed a hard line

There is not a minute to lose. All we need to do, with these numbers, is written here“. Roberto Speranza puts a hurry to all those who have not wanted to listen to him in recent weeks and who have always wanted to marry the softer line in the context of restrictions against the spread of Coronavirus. And it accelerates by referring to the government’s “new Bible”: the document “Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of strategy and planning in the autumn-winter transition phase. “The study of the Higher Institute of Health – drawn up in the summer, revised on 1 October, and approved by the Regions on 16 – contains the various modulations of the possible measures to be adopted in relation to the evolution of epidemiological scenarios and therefore, according to the Minister of Health, in the face of these numbers it will no longer be possible to resist against drastic measures. lockdown returns to appear in our country.

Italy is getting closer and closer to the fourth scenario, the most serious. An Rt predominantly and significantly greater than 1.5 (“that is, with estimates of the 95% confidence interval of Rt greater than 1.5“) could lead quickly”to a high number of cases and clear signs of overload care services, without the possibility of tracing the origin of new cases“Experts have warned that with an increase in cases so strong that tracking activities are impossible and with the risk that intensive care will fail, they would become necessary.”a lot of containment measures aggressive“. Translated: where the transmissibility index exceeds 1.5 and the health network is suffering, it is necessary to intervene with”regional and / or provincial restrictions“, including “restrictions generalized“, “mobility restrictions” e “closure of school / university structures and activation of distance learning“.

The pressing for the hard punch

The prescriptions coming from the institutions responsible for the country’s security cannot be completely neglected. And on this, writes today’s edition of The Republic, the pressing action led by Speranza, Dario Franceschini (Cultural heritage) and Francesco Boccia (Regional Affairs) is strengthened. In the late afternoon of yesterday, the Technical-Scientific Committee was urgently called to express itself on the methods and areas where to adopt the next closures. “It is written there, compare the RT, look at the curve, we can only give you insights into the territorial medicine network and schools by Tuesday“, the scientists limited themselves to saying. Just today is the day of the decision: a confrontation between the executive and the Regions; in the afternoon – around 3.30 pm – a new meeting of Prime Minister Conte with the heads of delegation is scheduled, extended to include the ministers most directly affected by issues related to the management of the pandemic; at 5 pm the majority group leaders should also join. The Giallorossi’s belief is that Lombardy and Piedmont, for example, should close for at least two weeks, stopping everything except essential activities.

Meanwhile on the school a very hard battle takes place. The Prime Minister try to make a summary: teaching in presence up to the second grade, at a distance from the eighth grade up to all high school. Hope and most of the Democratic Party do not want to hear about it, while Lucia Azzolina says she is willing to think about this hypothesis only where RT is high. But despite the union side, his line is unlikely to pass. The numbers coming from the latest bulletins do not allow hesitation and require quick decisions, the winger reiterates loudly penalty taker. “We can’t afford it“, M5S head of delegation Alfonso Bonafede is explained that he would like to defend the position of the Minister of Education. Dpcm of tomorrow there will be no lockdown, but only further steps to get to the much feared (and increasingly likely) lockdown.

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