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The lively center of the village should remain tangible in Höchberg

Alexander Knahn took over as mayor in Höchberg on May 1st. What are his first goals?

At the municipal elections in March, 47 of the 52 municipalities in the Würzburg district also had to decide whether the mayor’s post was to be made. Today: Alexander Knahn (non-partisan). He was elected new mayor of Höchberg for the first time.

How have you used the time since the election to prepare for your position?

Thanks to my many years of work as a building manager, I know what to expect. In the past few weeks, the outgoing mayor Peter Stichler has given me further insight into current business and has prepared the transfer of office with me in the best possible way. Since the decisions to be made every day due to the Corona crisis naturally have a strong impact on my term of office, we coordinate this very closely.

Which community task do you want to tackle first?

Ideas and goals must also be re-examined and ordered from the perspective of the crisis. And since the economic situation will also limit the Höchberg market, the question of the respective need for new projects must be asked and carefully considered. Basically, the numerous suggestions and suggestions from all sides of the election campaign with the new municipal council must be weighted and brought together in a meaningful and feasible order. I will invite the new local council to an exam as soon as possible.

Which long-term goal should be achieved after six years in office?

I would like to work out a solution for the Derag center at Hexenbruch and implement it. In the old town, the lively center of the town should remain tangible. I want to further improve the infrastructure, implement solutions for areas and areas and thus expand and strengthen the social offerings and local supply. So that life stays in place. Social coexistence should be revitalized with new impulses.

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