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The Littoral region keeps its five-year development plan

At the end of 2022, the executive of the regional council of the Littoral region validated the regional development plan. This compass document for decentralized local authorities presents the actions to be carried out by the council over five years. That is from 2022 to 2027. Even if it was still awaiting the approval of the guardianship at the time of its validation, the content can be revealed. The major focuses of this plan can be summed up in two main project portfolios. A portfolio of projects by department and a portfolio of structuring projects aimed at giving another face to the Littoral region. These projects are 10 in number and cover various fields.

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In the field of transport, for example, the plan projects the organization of interurban transport by river in the region. It will be a question of creating an infrastructure which will make it possible to connect zones of the littoral difficult to access by road, and yet crossed by water. The project plans to cover the Yabassi-Douala, Douala-Manoka, Manoka-Mouanko and Mouanko-Edéa routes. The region also intends to set up four processing units for household and industrial waste. Unlike other projects of the same type, this one takes into account both household and industrial waste. The idea is to be able to make the region clean, while creating added value on this waste. We can also cite the improvement of household coverage of drinking water and electrical energy. It will be done through drinking water supply by gravity and the construction of mini hydroelectric dams.

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These projects concern conceded areas, that is to say mainly in the hinterland, on territories not entrusted by the central State to the structures in charge of water and electricity issues. As for the financing mechanisms of these various projects, the council says it relies essentially on the public-private partnership. As in other regions, the first years of the council mainly consisted of setting it up and carrying out some studies. One of the flagship projects remains the construction of the council headquarters building and even the constitution of its administration.

In addition, the council has established partnerships with a few institutions, such as the chamber of commerce. We also attended several training sessions for council members on issues related to decentralization. ” The status of the region in the CTD architecture, the economic potential of the Littoral region and the ways and means of its implementation; the rights and duties of the regional adviser, the regional development plan, the budget orientation debate, the CTD budget, support from Feicom in favor of development. This is all a problem whose mastery constitutes one of the most imperative requirements for the members of the Regional Council of the Littoral “, informed Polycarpe Banlog the chairman of the board during a session.

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Source: Current Challenges no 766 from May 8 to 10, 2023

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