Home » today » World » The little wars of little Tsvetanov – 2024-08-20 16:46:03

The little wars of little Tsvetanov – 2024-08-20 16:46:03

/ world today news/ On Monday, Mr. Tsvetanov opened the hunting season for the shooting of President Rumen Radev. In order not to make a wrong move, he applied a well-known and time-tested tactic from our communist past. He stated, quoted by the Trud newspaper: “We already have enough doubts from the conclusions we have drawn from open sources that President Radev defended the decision to buy Swedish fighter jets.”

The fact is so alarming that Mr. Tsvetanov called an extraordinary press conference to announce the startling conclusions he had reached. This statement of his is reminiscent of the recent past, when outraged citizens wrote an angry letter to the newspaper “Rabotnichesko Delo” about the violation of party norms by a leading cadre of the BKP. Naturally, the Central Committee of the BKP could not tolerate such behavior of the responsible comrade, and the righteous wrath of the Party was poured on his head. And in fact, the truth was that the leading comrade simply did not like someone from the Politburo and should be replaced by another, convenient to the “leader”. If we follow the logic of the described scenario, after the in-depth analysis of the so-called “open sources” by Mr. Tsvetanov and his conclusion that he admits the possibility “that there is a high corruption scheme carried out at the highest political level”, now it is up to the private media to do their job. All sorts of shocking “facts” will begin to be added to what the great analyst said, the personality of the president and his family will be smeared. An avalanche of fake news will pour into the public space. No wonder it turns out that even President Putin is at the heart of the decision to choose Gripen. And if Mr. Tsvetanov’s analysis has not yet reached this conclusion, it will certainly reach it, because former President Plevneliev will helpfully suggest it to him. The finale of the media campaign is expected to be marked by the creation of a commission of inquiry to verify the information received from the “sources”, and then everything will sink into meaningless logorrhea. However, Tsvetanov will be pleased. The president’s morals have been called into question. Over his head will constantly hang the threat that if he decides to have any opinion different from that of GERB, the “bat” commission will immediately be activated. Moreover, the most irritating thing for the political elite is that corrupt practices have not yet found a place in the presidential institution, which is simply inexcusable. To add weight to his ludicrous accusations, Mr. Tsvetanov heroically declared that he would not allow “tampering with the country’s security,” whatever that means.. The pain of the prominent parliamentarian is also great for the fact that “…it was decided to disqualify one of the participants, at that ex officio”. Moreover, Mr. Tsvetanov emphasizes the fact that the participant in question is a strategic partner from a NATO member state”. We are talking about Portugal, which offered American F16 aircraft produced in the 1980s, which are currently only suitable for remelting. At the same time, Portugal’s offer does not at all meet the required technical parameters and payment conditions specified in the order specification. Apparently, for Mr. Tsvetanov, Sweden, which is the manufacturer of the Gripen aircraft, is not a strategic partner (perhaps even an enemy country) because it is not a member of NATO. The fact that the Gripens are made in full compliance with NATO standards is also irrelevant. And here it becomes clear what all the cannonade is about. Mr. Tsvetanov’s American superiors have ordered him to buy the fighter jets F16 from Portugal because their upgrading will be done and paid for by American companies. Now, Mr. Tsvetanov is panicking because, if he fails, the CIA won’t invite him to the next US President’s National Prayer Breakfast. In order to give more weight to Mr. Tsvetanov’s hollow accusations, Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva also got involved, who double-mindedly concluded: “A plane is not just a machine, there is geopolitics involved.” Apparently, Ms. Zaharieva soon learned the word “geopolitics”, because it was not clear in what sense she was using it and whose geopolitics she was talking about. Probably some reminiscences remained in her head from the instructions she received as a protégé of former Foreign Minister Mitov and former President Plevneliev. But she did not realize that what they were telling her were not lectures on geopolitics, but points of reference dropped on them by their American mentors. In the interest of truth, however, we have to admit that Mrs. Zaharieva is generous after all, she reported that: “The commission has no way to investigate the president, who constitutionally has immunity”. It is commendable that our foreign minister still remembers that Bulgaria has a constitution. This happens rarely, and only in those cases where it does not contradict the instructions that our foreign minister has received from his superiors abroad. The unfortunate thing in this case is not Mr. Tsvetanov and Mrs. Zaharieva. If not them, it will be others like them. It is unfortunate that the concept of “democracy” has long served only as a cover for trading in national interests.

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