Home » today » Business » The lists of the big debtors in the tax office are published – All the names – 2024-08-01 09:50:32

The lists of the big debtors in the tax office are published – All the names – 2024-08-01 09:50:32

The lists of public debtors, legal and natural persons who have debts of more than 150,000 euros to the public and EFKA, with a delay in their payment of more than one year, have been made public.

The biggest debtor is the long ago bankrupt Acropolis Stock Exchange with total debts exceeding 13 billion euros. Olympic Airlines follows with total debts of almost 2.3 billion euros.

In the AADE’s list of natural persons – big debtors, “Kosta Chris” with a debt of 1.08 billion euros and “Apostolides Panay” with a debt of 1.03 billion euros appear.

As AADE clarifies, the list includes names with:

a) basic overdue debt to the State per natural person that exceeds the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) euros and its payment is delayed for a period longer than a year on the date of extraction of these data from the Tax information systems (TAXIS/EISPRAXIS) ) and Customs (ICISnet).

b) basic overdue debt to e-E.F.K.A. per natural person that exceeds the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) euros and its payment is delayed for a period of time longer than a year on the date of extraction of these data from the information system (OPS) of the Center for the Collection of Insurance Debts (K.E. A.O.).

At the same time, the AADE clarifies that:

The data of the situation were drawn based on the provisions of art. 2 of POL.1158/2017 with an export date of 26/07/2024. The debts to the State concern overdue installments of debts out of regulation, with a due date until 26/07/2023, with overdue payment increments until 26/07/2024. The debts to the e-E.F.K.A., concern overdue debts outside the regulation of time periods 06/2023 and earlier.

The following list includes only debtors who meet the conditions for disclosure, based on Article 9 of Law 3943/2011 (Government Gazette A’ 66), as applicable after its replacement by the provisions of Article 42 of Law 4410/2016.

The extraction of the data for the debts to the State was carried out according to the data of the TAXIS/EISPRAXIS/ICISnet Information Systems databases as they are updated and maintained by the D.O.Y., K.E.B.E.I.S., Control Centers /Customs in accordance with the provisions of the relevant POL.1158/2017.

In the event that for any reason the updating of the TAXIS/EISPRAXIS/ICISnet Information Systems databases by the D.O.Y., K.B.E.I.S., Control Centers/Customs on the day of extraction does not match the information available in the services these data, then there may not be a correct recording of the overdue debt data collected per debtor.

The extraction of the data for the debts to the e-EFKA, was carried out according to the data of the database of the information system (OPS) of the K.E.A.O. as it is updated and maintained by the competent Local e-E.F.K.A. Directorates. and the K.E.A.O. regional services, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant POL.1158/2017.

In the event that for any reason the updating of the database of the information system (OPS) of the K.E.A.O. from the above-mentioned competent services on the day of collection does not match the data available to these services, then there may not be a correct recording of the overdue debt data collected per debtor.

The restoration of the above cases will be done after the publication in accordance with the provisions of articles 6 and 7 of POL.1158/2017, taking into account the provisions of circular 40/2017 of the KEAO, regarding the procedure removal/correction of registration disclosure or exclusion of debts from disclosure.

See the list of natural persons HERE

See the list of legal entities HERE

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