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The list of jobs declared as essential services in Spain

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, announced this Saturday the stoppage of all non-essential work from Monday, March 30 to Thursday, April 9, inclusive, and approved the list of essential activities in the Extraordinary Council of Ministers celebrated this Sunday.

In a appearance from La Moncloa, Sánchez said on Saturday that this “exceptional measure” will mean that all non-essential workers “must stay home” As of this Monday, for which they will have a “recoverable” paid leave for the entire time and will receive their salary “normally”

Sánchez explained that it will be later, when this period of cessation of activity passes, when they will have to recover the hours “gradually”. He has warned that “very hard days” remain due to the coronavirus pandemic and it is necessary to “intensify the fight.”

The list of essential activities according to the Ministry

The annex to the BOE published this Sunday night includes the following:

“The paid leave regulated in this royal decree-law will not be applied to the following employed persons:

1. Those that carry out the activities that must continue to be carried out under articles 10.1, 10.4, 14.4, 16, 17 and 18, of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declares the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19 and the regulations approved by the Competent Authority and the Delegated Competent Authorities.

2. Those who work in the activities that participate in the market supply chain and in the operation of the services of the production centers of goods and services of first necessity, including food, beverages, animal feed, hygiene products, medicines, sanitary products or any product necessary for the protection of health, allowing their distribution from origin to final destination.

3. Those that provide services in hospitality and catering activities that provide home delivery services.

4. Those that provide services in the chain of production and distribution of goods, services, health technology, medical material, protective equipment, health and hospital equipment and any other materials necessary for the provision of health services.

5. Those essential for the maintenance of the productive activities of the manufacturing industry that offer the supplies, equipment and materials necessary for the correct development of the essential activities included in this annex.

6. Those that perform transport services, both for people and goods, that continue to be developed since the declaration of the state of alarm, as well as those that must ensure the maintenance of the means used for this, under the protection of the regulations approved by the competent authority and delegated competent authorities since the declaration of the state of alarm.

7. Those that provide services in Penitentiary Institutions, civil protection, maritime rescue, rescue and prevention and extinction of fires, mine safety, and traffic and road safety. Likewise, those who work in private security companies that provide security transport services, response to alarms, patrol or discontinuous surveillance, and those that it is necessary to use for the performance of security services in guarantee of essential services and supplying the population.

8. The essentials that support the maintenance of the material and equipment of the armed forces.

9. Those of health centers, services and establishments, as well as people who (i) care for the elderly, minors, dependents or people with disabilities, and people who work in companies, R & D & I and biotechnology centers linked to COVID-19, (ii) the animal facilities associated with them, (iii) the maintenance of the minimum services of the facilities associated with them and the companies supplying the products necessary for said research, and (iv) the people who work in funeral services and other related activities.

10. Those of the animal health care centers, services and establishments.

11. Those that provide services in press outlets and in the media or news agencies of public and private ownership, as well as in their printing or distribution.

12. Those of financial services companies, including banking, insurance and investment, for the provision of essential services, and the activities of payment infrastructures and financial markets.

13. Those of telecommunications and audiovisual companies and essential computer services, as well as those networks and facilities that support them and the sectors or subsectors necessary for their correct operation, especially those that are essential for the adequate provision of public services, as well such as the operation of the non-contact work of public employees.

14. Those that provide services related to the protection and care of victims of gender violence.

15. Those who work as lawyers, attorneys, social graduates, translators, interpreters and psychologists and who attend the procedural actions not suspended by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declares the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19 and, in this way, comply with the essential services established by consensus by the Ministry of Justice, the General Council of the Judiciary, the State Attorney General’s Office and the Autonomous Communities with competences in the matter and reflected in the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Justice dated March 14, 2020, and the adaptations that may be agreed upon in its chaos.

16. Those who provide services in legal offices and consultancies, administrative agencies and social graduates, and services of others and their own for the prevention of occupational hazards, in urgent matters.

17. Those that provide services in the notaries and registries for the fulfillment of the essential services established by the General Directorate of Legal Security and Public Faith.

18. Those that provide cleaning, maintenance, repair of urgent breakdowns and surveillance services, as well as that provide services in the field of collection, management and treatment of hazardous waste, as well as solid urban, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, collection and treatment of wastewater, decontamination activities and other waste management services and transport and removal of by-products or in any of the entities belonging to the Public Sector, in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Law 9/2017, of 8 of November, Public Sector Contracts.

19. Those who work in the Refugee Reception Centers and in the Centers for the Temporary Stay of Immigrants and the public entities of private management subsidized by the Secretary of State for Migration and that operate within the framework of International Protection and Attention Humanitarian.

20. Those who work in water supply, purification, conduction, purification and sanitation activities.

21. Those that are essential for the provision of meteorological forecasting and observation services and the associated processes of maintenance, surveillance and control of operational processes.

22. Those of the operator designated by the State to provide the universal postal service, in order to provide the collection, admission, transport, classification, distribution and delivery services for the exclusive purposes of guaranteeing said universal postal service.

23. Those that provide services in those sectors or subsectors that participate in the importation and supply of sanitary material, such as logistics, transport, storage, customs transit companies (freight forwarders) and, in general, all those that participate in sanitary corridors .

24. Those who work in the distribution and delivery of products purchased in the Internet, telephone or correspondence commerce.

25. Any others that provide services that have been considered essential ”

List of activities that are considered essential.
List of activities that are considered essential.
List of activities that are considered essential.
List of activities that are considered essential.
List of activities that are considered essential.
List of activities that are considered essential.
List of activities that are considered essential.

In any case, the BOE also specifies the following: “In those cases in which it is impossible to immediately interrupt the activity, the workers included in the subjective scope of this royal decree-law may provide services on Monday, March 30, 2020 (…)”.

What’s more, Internet sales services also continue to function normally, with the only novelty that they will not be able to replace the products that are out of stock if they are not essential. Service delivery people like Amazon also work, although the company warns that the waiting time to receive a producer may be longer than usual.

On the other hand, the ‘riders’ also continue to do their job as long as it is for the same reason: supply essential goods. They can only distribute food, household products and parapharmacy.

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