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the list of all the withdrawn products

The food recalls of the week: the list of all the products withdrawn by the Ministry of Health.

(Photo Pexels)

There is a long list of products withdrawn by the Ministry of Health only in this week of September. Bacterial and microbiological contamination, the presence of allergens, in short, the reasons are the most disparate and have led to a massive provision of food recalls. Let’s see what they are and the motivation. All the details.

The food recalls of the week: the list of all the withdrawn products

Cases of food contamination, in particular from ethylene oxide, a substance that is highly harmful to human health, but not only. THE food reminders of the week published on the notices section of the official website of Ministry of Health they also report other puzzling cases. Eg products that have passed their original expiration date, still for sale or presence of allergens not indicated on the display label. In short, when you go to the supermarket to do the shopping it is always good to check the list of foods collected weekly by the Ministry of Health. Let’s see the official list.

food recalls
(Photo Pexels)

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Withdrawals and recalls: all foods involved

There are many food recalls of the week published on the website of the Ministry of Health. The alarms are often the same supermarket chains which, through reporting byConsumers association, realize the contamination of the food or drink in question. Let’s see the official list of retreats of the week:

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For further information, consult the official website of the Ministry of Health.

Sophia Melfi

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