Home » today » World » The lion’s skin and the donkey’s ears – 2024-08-04 23:32:48

The lion’s skin and the donkey’s ears – 2024-08-04 23:32:48

/ world today news/ Last night BTV gave us another torture by attacking the viewers with the flat reasoning of a prime minister.

I’m sure he hasn’t read the Istanbul Convention, he’s just been briefed on it. And only for the first part – the 30 pages on domestic violence. B.B. is the laziest prime minister in our recent history. He was like that also as the chief secretary – all the time going around the televisions, kicking the machete and … one more thing, as they say in a funny movie. If he had read the Istanbul Convention, he would have known that there are 70 pages on the legalization of pederasty, lesbianism and how to kill the sensitive souls of children. That doesn’t excuse him for talking nonsense. See: “Convention will only be accepted with FULL consensus!”. And a moment later – Cornelia Ninova scares people! Is K.Ninova the complete consensus / here he is completely unaware that he is making her a heroine!/? If it was only her – the anti-Christian convention, for which GERB has been secretly working for years, would have already been adopted. Why doesn’t he say that they “scare” the people: his allies in power – the patriots. And they scare quite seriously with their three televisions. Why didn’t he say that the Holy Synod publicly slapped him? That against the “innocent” convention are all major religions, all normal social organizations. For her, there are: GERD / and there are normal people who are against it!/, the foodies of Soros and the “America for Bulgaria” foundation and a dozen gender foundations that have been grinding their teeth for fat money for years. I will remind: the European Commission has determined 5 billion and 850 million for the financial provision of the idiotic gender ideology. But the prime minister, whose left tire bursts three times on a right turn in power, is silent! He is silent because his “genius” advisers told him most likely: let’s now win from the own goal we made with this convention and transfer the blame from the sick to the healthy head – Ninova! These wooden manipulations of B.B. they were most likely suggested to him by the smart minds – Rumiana Bachvarova and Toma Bykov. Whoever they are, they must know that the Bulgarian people have not yet gone so far as not to see under the lion’s skin with which the prime minister is wearing, how the ears of a donkey are sticking out. If he had at least one tenth of the cunning of T.Zh., Borisov would have made these things rattle either Anton Todorov or Gurnevski – in the last case Tsvetanov. But… he’s so smart! If even now he does not see that 80% of the people are against him, then he has a long, very long journey into political non-existence ahead of him!

#lions #skin #donkeys #ears

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