Books by Hussam Al-Shaqwiri
Thursday, 08 June 2023 04:00 PM
Research shows that blood sugar levels usually increase when a person is sleeping. However, the fluctuations in blood sugar that occur overnight and during sleep It’s normal and not a cause for concern for most healthy people. But sleep deprivation is a cause for concern because it may negatively affect blood sugar levels, according to healthifyme.
People with diabetes are more likely to have problems with their blood sugar levels due to sleep deprivation. Another cause of poor sleep is sugar cravings. Your body feels low on energy after waking up from insufficient sleep. As a result, you feel the urge to eat something tasty or sweet.
In most cases, a lack of energy and adequate hydration levels can lead to sugar cravings. As a result, it leads to higher blood sugar levels, and chronic sleep deprivation can cause blood sugar levels to rise and eventually lead to insulin resistance. Continuous sleep deprivation increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Plus, lack of sleep makes you feel more dehydrated. The body drains the tissues by excreting more water to reduce high sugar levels.
One study indicates that 7-8 hours of sleep is recommended for adults in order for their body to function properly. Nowadays, most health problems have one common cause: an irregular sleep cycle. Oversleeping and sleep deprivation negatively affect your health, and blood sugar levels are harmful health problems directly linked to irregular sleep. Constant disruption in blood sugar levels can increase the risk of developing diabetes.
Other health problems that can occur due to sleep problems are obesity and heart-related concerns. One study indicates that people with diabetes are more likely to develop kidney, eye or heart disease.
The quality and quantity of sleep has a fair impact on physical and mental health. Inconsistency in sleep patterns can lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart problems, etc. Lack of sleep leads to a decreased ability to control glucose levels. It causes an increase in insulin resistance, which is directly responsible for an increase in blood sugar levels.
2023-06-08 13:00:00
#sleep #affect #blood #sugar