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The Link Between Diabetes Mellitus and Women: Insights from Semarang City Health Office

SOLOPOS.COM – Illustration of checking diabetes mellitus. (Freepik.com)

Solopos.com, SEMARANG — The Semarang City Health Office (Dinkes), Central Java (Central Java), revealed that the majority of sufferers diabetes mellitus (DM) in the region are women. This was conveyed by the Head of the Semarang City Health Office, Dr. Abdul Hakam, Tuesday (4/7/2023).

Hakam said that in 2023 there were 5,836 cases of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the city of Semarang that were not insulin dependent. While those who depend on insulin reached 186 cases.

“If you look at the map [persebaran] many women, because of the elderly [orang lanjut usia] Of Semarang city most are women. Mostly yes in densely populated areas, such as Pedurungan, Tembalang, Banyumanik and Ngaliyan,” Hakam said. Between, Tuesday.

Hakam said that the biggest cause of diabetes mellitus was due to an unhealthy, uncontrolled lifestyle and lack of physical activity. “For DM from heredity, at least up to 5 percent. The highest is the pattern of life, in which there is a pattern of eating and physical activity,” he explained.

He explained that uncontrolled eating patterns and lack of physical activity tend to make people obese and will eventually lead to diabetes. According to him, so far DM sufferers are mostly the elderly, but people of productive age, including young people, still have to be aware of DM.

“Right now, DM cases tend to occur more quickly at a younger age. In the past, people with diabetes were usually over 50 years old, but now people under 40 years old have diabetes,” he explained.

“If there used to be yes, the term cut off in 40 years wary [menjaga pola hidup sehat]Now, for 30 years, we have to be vigilant,” he said.

Therefore, he invites the public to be smarter in sorting out the food consumed and adjusting it to daily physical activity. “Eating three times a day is still, but the carbs have to be right. Adapted to physical activity. If there is a lot of physical activity, there is no problem with lots of carbohydrates,” he said.

He mentioned foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, starting from rice, corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes which are needed by the body, but in a balanced dose. “The body still needs carbohydrates. If it’s the one with the most protein, the kidney problem will work even faster. So, everything has its portion,” he said.

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2023-07-04 10:45:01
#Majority #Diabetes #Mellitus #Patients #Semarang #Women #Heres

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