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The Link Between Alcohol and Cancer: Increasing Awareness about the Risks

We wrote about the effect of alcohol on your muscle growth before, and you probably know deep down that a glass of barley beer is not good for you. Nevertheless, we would like to pay attention to it again. Because new research has shown that only 37% of the Dutch know that alcohol increases the risk of cancer. That’s why the Stomach Liver Intestine Foundation (MLDS) and KWF Cancer Controlin the context of the Healthy Generation, the knowledge campaign ‘On your health?’ started. The goal: to share knowledge and create awareness.

7 types of cancer

From the investigation It turned out that more than 4000 cancer cases are added every year in the Netherlands, caused by alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of oral, pharyngeal, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon and breast cancer. Yet only 27 percent of the Dutch associate alcohol with ill health. 20 percent even think that a glass of alcohol a day is healthy.

But what if you drink less?

According to the campaign, there is no ‘safe’ amount of alcohol to drink. If you drink more, the risk of cancer increases. This already starts to increase with one glass of alcohol per day. It doesn’t matter what you drink, it’s about the amount of alcohol.

Research does show that a long period without alcohol is necessary to reduce the risk of cancer due to earlier drinking. There are indications that the risk decreases after ten years. After twenty years without alcohol, the risk of cancer would be the same as the risk for people who have never drunk. More research needs to be done on this, but it is good to know that you can still restore the wild period of ‘old days’.

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2023-07-14 11:53:06
#Men #beware #drinking #alcohol #increases #risk #types #cancer

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