Home » today » News » The lines of the Overseas supermarket in Xàbia full after receiving the matrix in two weeks, 55 trucks – xabiaaldia – The newspaper for xabieros with concerns

The lines of the Overseas supermarket in Xàbia full after receiving the matrix in two weeks, 55 trucks – xabiaaldia – The newspaper for xabieros with concerns

One of the Overseas freezers, in an image taken from the company’s facebook

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The company responsible for the English supermarket in Xàbia (Overseas) has recently reported on its official website that its shelves are beginning to recover after the impact of Brexit, which since January has caused the blocking of numerous trucks at customs between England and the European Union, as they must pass new controls.

The departure of England from the EU, Brexit, has caused companies such as Overseas, which has its headquarters in Benissa and stores in that town, Xàbia, Calp and Teulada Moraira, among other points on the coast, to be harmed in their day a day. In fact, between January and February, many days the lines of their stores could be seen empty, and they put up posters warning customers.

On your facebook account wanted to give “the good news and it is that 55 trucks have arrived and something that puts in context when comparing it with that in “in February only ten arrived”.

In this way, this flood of trucks has allowed, recognizes the company, that its freezers “have returned to normality” and therefore all the shelves of this type of products could be filled to the top again. It is precisely the great variety of frozen food products that Overseas offers one of the differences between this supermarket and any other, for example, of the three Valencian food distribution brands.

The company assures that they are having problems with the shelf life of refrigerated products, in the case of cheese, bacon and yoghurts “they will already see many more stocks in stores”, while in the case of cakes and meats cooked are encountering great difficulties. To fill that gap, Overseas have incorporated suppliers from Ireland, but recognize that customers want the products they had until Brexit.

In its publication, the distributor answers some questions that customers have sent them, and has some health curiosity, for example that the company supplying animal feed has suffered a covid outbreak and is working at half gas, that the chocolate eggs Easter typicals have hit the warehouse this week, even though they left England in January.

He also sends a message of gratitude to the staff of the stores, offices and warehouses, as well as to the customers for “their patience in these difficult times.”

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