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The Lift program, a professional immersion for adolescents – rts.ch

The Lift program offers schoolchildren aged 13 to 15 an immersion in various professions to help them choose their future career and gain experience. The show On en parle welcomes Emilie Vuilleumier, head of the program in French-speaking Switzerland and deputy co-director, to detail the steps and benefits.

The Lift program allows students in compulsory secondary school (9th to 11th Harmos) to familiarize themselves with the world of work by immersing themselves in different professions for two to three hours per week, outside of school hours. This national program not only helps young people identify their future career path, but also allows employers to find potential apprentices.

A helping hand towards learning

Emilie Vuilleumier, head of the Lift program for French-speaking Switzerland, emphasizes that Lift is aimed particularly at young people who have difficulty finding an apprenticeship due to their academic results or lack of network. The aim is to give them self-confidence and to promote their skills in the world of work:

“I have much more confidence in myself and I now know what I want to do later,” explains Sonia, 14, a student in Gruyère who participated in the programme in the field of bodywork.

A bridge between schools and businesses

Schools can freely adopt the Lift program and form a dedicated team to select students who can benefit from it. Companies and institutions welcome these young trainees and give them tasks adapted to their age.

“Any company or public authority can register,” guarantees Emilie Vuilleumier. To reward the students’ efforts, a small remuneration of five to eight francs per hour is provided.

A program still expanding

Although the program has existed in French-speaking Switzerland since 2010, it is still relatively unknown in certain regions. “We are present in Geneva, Fribourg and the canton of Vaud but not yet in Valais or the Jura,” admits the head of Lift. However, interested schools can contact the Lift organization to start the program, regardless of their location.

Radio subject: Frédérique Volery

Adaptation web : Laure Pagella

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