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The Life of Princess Diana: Her Struggle with Bulimia and Eating Disorders Revealed in ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ Book Series


A children’s book series entitled ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ details the life of the late Princess Diana during her lifetime, including her eating disorder.

The book written by author Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara mentions that the deceased was the first famous person to talk about his struggle with bulimia. Also, helping others to deal with it.

“Whenever she felt alone, she sought relief by eating all the cakes she could find in the royal kitchen,” read the caption under the illustration, quoted by the New York Post.

“But that sweet comforting feeling doesn’t last long. Once it wears off, she’ll try to throw away all the food she ate by making herself sick.”

The late daughter’s struggles with eating disorders are illustrated by an image of her sitting on the kitchen floor next to an empty plate.

“Whenever she felt alone, she sought relief by eating all the cakes she could find in the royal kitchen,” the text read.

“But that sweet comforting feeling doesn’t last long. Once it’s finished, he’ll try to throw up all the food he’s eaten by making himself vomit.”

Princess Diana died on August 31, 1997. Previously, she opened up about bulimia for the first time in a 1995 Panorama interview, to a journalist named Martin Bashir.

“I had bulimia for several years. And it’s like a secret disease. You put it on yourself because your self-esteem is ebbing, and you don’t think you are worthy or worthy,” he told Bashir.

“You fill your stomach four or five times a day, some do it more and it gives you a feeling of well-being.”

The book also explains that the late Princess Diana needed time to seek help, learn to love herself, and stop hurting her body.

Get to know Bulimia

Quoted by the Mayo Clinic, bulimia is an eating disorder that has the potential to endanger the life of sufferers.

The sufferers usually deliberately do ‘binge eating’ or eating large amounts of food directly and without control. Then, they vomited all the food back up. Vomiting food again is one way for sufferers to get rid of excess calories that enter their bodies.

Bulimia is generally experienced by adult women and adolescents who are dissatisfied with their body weight or shape. Sufferers tend to take unhealthy ways to lose weight, namely by removing food forcibly, either by vomiting it or using laxatives.

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2023-08-14 00:32:19
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