Home » today » Health » The life lesson of the Canarian Hilda Sivero: “Cancer is not going to knock down my joy, I will fight like a wild boar”

The life lesson of the Canarian Hilda Sivero: “Cancer is not going to knock down my joy, I will fight like a wild boar”

The Hilda Siverio’s storyis a story of struggle, courage and bravery like very few have seen in the fight against cancer. He is aware that there is no possible treatment for a triple negative cancer with multiple metastases, which includes bone metastases that is causing severe pain in his skull.

“Today I do celebrate, always out of fear, because cancer is so treacherous, it’s a roller coaster, today everything goes well and then a month goes by and it gives you a stick that renews your whole world, but today has been a very good news and yes sir!!”recently announced through their social networks.

“We have to celebrate it!! For me, but for my loved ones who suffer so much in silence, my children, my husband, my parents, my little sister and her husband, my soul brothers-in-law, who live pending me, my friends @s who live more than me the pain of seeing me suffer so much with a Smile, today it’s time to celebrate because I deserve it, I have been a champion for a year already of chemo without rest, palliative to be here without pain and a little more, how hard it is !! But it hasn’t taken away my desire to fight and fight until the end!!”he added.

The biography Hilda Siverio (Tenerife, 1971) in his profile of Instagram It is quite a declaration of intentions. So is, and much more revealing still, the description of his TikTok account, in which Siverio has become a real star but also a a whole reference for millions of people in the world.

This Tenerife woman was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago while she was pregnant with her third child. Seven years after battling the disease, earlier this year Hilda announced that her disease had undergone a mutation and that the cancer had mutated into a lymph node and bone metastasis with an unfavorable prognosis, a fact that made Hilda put on, even more if possible, the world for her hat to continue facing cancer as she knows best: with a smile.

This has been his leitmotif ever since he learned the name of his disease, a philosophy that has accompanied him to overcome this hard road with fortitude, strength, vitality and a joy that hypnotizes and crosses the screen of the thousands and thousands of users who follow Siverio on social networks.

Some social networks that have turned to the Tenerife, Radazul’s neighbor, to whom they send their love daily in the form of comments.

What you may not have expected Hilda Siverio when he decided to “make cancer smile” on the internet was the reach that his videos would have on networks like TikTokwhere it has become a whole worldwide phenomenon.


It would not be an exaggeration to say that, apart from a phenomenon, Hilda is an icon.

An icon that adds a whopping 509 thousand followers on TikTok, and almost 40 thousand on Instagram thanks to his fun and vital #HildaDiarya label created by the protagonist in which she shares her daily life with cancer but always with a distinctive element that is the key to her success: joy and humor.

Your social media accounts are overflowing energy, nerve, claw and life. These elements are combined in her unique diary with dances, laughter and a gaze full of light that has conquered the internet.

Hilda Siverio had it and she has it clear from minute one and this is how he transmits it on his networks: life is how you want to live it.

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