Jakarta –
Rabiah Al Adawiyah is a familiar figure in the world of Sufism. This Sufi woman who carries the ‘religion of love’ chooses not to marry for the rest of her life.
In the book Treasures of the Great Men of Islam from the Conqueror of Jerusalem to the Number Zero by RA Gunadi and M Shoelhi, it is stated that Rabiah Al Adawiyah was born in 713 AD in Basrah (Iraq). Both of his parents died when he was still small and his three older siblings also died when a famine struck Basrah.
Little Rabiah Al Adawiyah had to live independently and in a foreign way. He was once a slave and when he was free he chose to live his life in quiet places to meditate. A shabby mat, an earthen pot, and a brick were the possessions he had at that time.
Since then, Rabiah Al Adawiyah dedicated her whole life to Allah SWT. Every time he continued to pray and chant. His life is really only for the afterlife until he neglects his worldly affairs.
Concept of Love in Rabiah Al Adawiyah Sufism
Rabiah Al Adawiyah’s love for Allah SWT made her choose to be single for life. Rabiah Al Adawiyah’s Sufism has achieved mahabbattullah (love of Allah) and it is this concept of mahabbah that makes it the bearer of the ‘religion of love’.
Rabiah Al Adawiyah’s love is not a love that expects a return. He actually took a journey to achieve sincerity. In one of his poems he said,
If I worship You out of fear of hellfire then put me in it! And if I worship You because I am greedy for Your heaven, then forbid me from it! But if I worship You because of my love for You, then give me a great reward, give me the opportunity to see Your Great and Most Glorious face.
Rabiah Al Adawiyah’s concept of Sufism tells the love of a servant to his Lord, as mentioned in the book Rabiah Al Adawiyah’s Messages of Love by Ahmad Abi. Rabiah Al Adawiyah teaches that all the acts of worship she does are not because she hopes for heaven or is afraid of hellfire, but because of love.
The Sufism of Rabiah Al Adawiyah was well recognized at the time. According to the book Religious Moderation of the Sufis by Abrar M. Dawud Faza, Rabiah Al Adawiyah is a Sufi who does not follow other prominent Sufi figures, in fact she seems to have never received guidance from any spiritual guide. However, he sought his own experience directly from his God.
The pioneer of order Sufism, Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani classified Rabiah Al Adawiyah as a Sufi seeker of God. Those who take this path do not follow what most other divine beings do. Because, said Sheikh Abdul Qodir al-Jailani, God has cleansed their hearts from all things that focus their hearts on other than Allah SWT.
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2023-09-17 22:00:41
#Rabiah #Adawiyah #Sufi #Woman #reluctant #marry #Allah