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The Life and Legacy of Hassan Hosni: Insights from His Son Hisham

Posted by Zainab Abdullah

Tuesday, May 30, 2023 08:21 PM

Many comedy stars lived through tragic events, and despite that, they were burdened with themselves to draw a smile on the faces of millions while their hearts squeezed from pain and sorrows, and among these stars is the great artist Hassan Hosni, whose third death anniversary falls today, as he passed away from our world on this corresponding day. May 30 of the year 2020, during which the seventh day was a dialogue with his son Hisham Hassan Hosni, during which he revealed many secrets about the life of his father, the great artist, and about the tragic events that he went through, and how he dealt as a father, husband, grandfather, and mother-in-law, and the most difficult situations that he went through and the details of the last period in His life and last wills.

Hisham Hassan Hosni said during one of the episodes of the Zainab Tales program that life in the house of the art joker and the father of comedians was similar to the movie “Aboud on the Borders.”

The son explained that all members of the artist Hassan Hosni’s family enjoy a sense of humor and humor, saying: “We never felt that my father was acting, because his personality at home resembles many of his characters on the screen, in his sadness and joy, and we felt that Abboud’s movie on the border is the story of our life in The house is the same humor, wit, and his way with us, and we all inherited from him the comic genes and wit, so all our gatherings were comic.”

Hisham Hassan Hosni indicates that he is the eldest son of the great artist, and he has two sisters, Fatima and Rasha, who died in 2013 after a 3-year illness, leaving her daughter Malak.

And he explains: “Mustafa and Engy Ashraf Fahmy, the children of Hassan Hosni’s wife, were also our brothers, and my father always saw them as his children and did not differentiate between us and them, and we all felt that we were brothers and there was no difference between us because he raised them since they were 4, 8 years old, and they lived with him for 26 years until they got married and had children.”

And the son said: “We did not feel any difference between us, and my father cared for all of us, and he was able to cultivate love and brotherhood among all of us, even the grandchildren are all bound by a great relationship of brotherhood, love and interdependence.”

The son talks about the relationship of the artist, Hassan Hosni, with his grandchildren, saying: “They were very close to him, and he did not refuse them a request. For them, he was closer than their mothers and fathers. They always turn to him and always gather around him.”

And about the most difficult situations that the artist, Hassan Hosni, went through, his son Hisham said: “The most difficult of them was the death of my sister Rasha in 2013 after a period of illness of 3 years. Throughout her illness, we had hope for recovery, but it deteriorated severely in the last two months, then she died. This grief until his death.”

He continued, “Rasha was our youngest and closest to my father, and she inherited from him many qualities and lightness of blood, and her death broke him, and I felt that he had grown 20 years after her death.”

The son of the great artist, Hassan Hosni, added that his father had always sought to preserve his biography after his death, and to perpetuate this in the hearts of his children.

And Hisham Hassan Hosni continued, “My father loved his job very much and was very talented and diligent, and no matter how sick he was when he started filming, he turned into another character.” This is how the son talked about his father’s talent.

He added, “He used to work every work with great interest and love, as if it was the first work in his life, and he was famous among his colleagues as the fastest artist to memorize his role and not repeat any scene, and he loved the Arabic language.”

The son confirms that his father loved social life and liked his conduct to be good among people: “The length of our stay with him was advising us on each other, and that we maintain our relationship and our love for each other, and his constant commandment was to walk with justice. And be humble with people, greet all people and deal with them with interest.”

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