The story of the eccentric but brilliant doctor, obstetrician Ignác Semmelweis, who was the first to enforce a banal and yet extremely important thing – the most basic hygiene rules.
Ignác Semmelweise (1818–1865) promoted the theory that strict hygiene, washing hands in chlorinated water, clean instruments and hospital linen would reduce or even completely eradicate the occurrence of puerperal fever, which was the cause of death for many women in childbirth. He thus saved the lives of thousands of mothers, but he himself never received recognition for his work.
They act:
Ivan Trojan, Josef Vinklář, Jan Hartl, Ladislav Frej, Lukáš Hlavica, Aleš Procházka, Anna Bendová, Apolena Veldová, Zdeněk Hess, Antonín Hardt, Taťjana Medvecká, Ivan Jiřík, Bořivoj Navrátil, Miloš Hlavica, Klára Sedláčková-Oltová, Vojtěch Hájek, Magdalena Borová, Otmar Brancuzský, Václav Jílek and Josef Somr
She wrote:
Šárka Kosková
Jana Paterová
Petr Mandel
Directed by:
Dimitrij Dudík
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2023-07-02 18:18:39
#Defeated #winner #Ivan #Trojan #brilliant #doctor #credit