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The Lieutenant Governor attended a seminar on cassava cultivation techniques

He highlighted the provincial government’s manufacturing policies to strengthen the industry.

This Friday 25th, a technical conference was held on the cultivation of cassava on the farm of producer Gerardo Benítez in the neighborhood of Santa Elena, jurisdiction of Siete Palmas.

It was a technical-practical training on the methods of planting, density and fertilization of the crop intended for the producers of the surrounding colonies and for the students of the University Institute of Formosa and of the Agrotechnical Schools. The aim of these spaces is to promote the production of Formosan cassava.

Present were the lieutenant governor of the province, Eber Solís, the provincial deputies Carlos Insfrán and Jorge Román, the Minister of Production and the Environment, Alejandro García, the executive coordinator of the provincial Institute of Global Action for Small Agricultural Producers ( PAIPPA) Rubén Casco and the Undersecretary for Sustainable Production, Lucas Rodríguez.

Also present were the mayors of Siete Palmas, Raúl Leiva; from Laguna Blanca, Ricardo Lemos; of Buena Vista, Ruben Pereira; of Tres Lagunas, Guillermo Silva, representatives of INTA, CEDEVA and students of the Agrotechnical School n. 1 of Laguna Blanca and EPES n. 34.

In this context, Solís said that “sharing this space with producers fills me with satisfaction and pride”, adding that “here we can see who is the Formosa producer and how he works his land”.

He assured that “there is an institutional and political commitment on the part of all the leaders, in defense and support of the producers of paipperos”. Noting that “this is a political decision by Governor Gildo Insfrán, to work on everything related to the Formosan man and woman in each of the places in the province.”

In this line, he highlighted “the financial and budgetary commitment for this to be palpable in every farm, city and country”. Adding that “we also work with the producer’s son who is training in agrotechnical schools, who also has the opportunity to study at the Formosa University Institute”.

During the meeting, the authorities delivered partial shade, rolls of thread and banana plants to the products of the sector.

Provincial road n. 8

On Thursday 24, Governor Gildo Insfrán signed together with the general administrator of the national road administration, Gustavo Arrieta, “an addendum for the financing of the paving of the provincial road n. 8, the Riacho El Porteño bridge and the complementary works in the section of the crossroads Provincial Ruta n° 2.

In this regard, the lieutenant governor said that “the president has worked and managed several projects in different areas for the benefit of the people of Formosa.” Emphasizing the flooring of RP n. 8, stating that “this will allow access and exit of these communities, and will also have a positive impact on the diversification of the production matrix and on the access of products to urban centers”.

Furthermore, he recalled that “these paths should have been made a long time ago, however, the neoliberal national government that took office in 2015 has paralyzed all jobs in the province”. To this he added that “we now have a national and popular government which, with the permanent management of Governor Insfrán, has achieved these results”.

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