Home » today » Business » The library opens the website “www. Knowing about money. Com” including all national financial information.

The library opens the website “www. Knowing about money. Com” including all national financial information.

Treasury joins hands with 12 agencies to open the website “www. Know about money. Com Educate people finances

Ms. Kulaya Tantitemit Director-General of the Fiscal Policy Office revealed that the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO) has collaborated with government agencies and related agencies. With a mission to promote financial literacy to the public, a total of 12 agencies to create a website www. know about money. com This is a web portal for information, knowledge, concepts and methods for developing basic financial skills for people in various fields linked from the website of the above mentioned agency.

To create a platform for people of all ages Various professions including entrepreneurship Access to reliable and convenient financial information and news in one place to support people’s self-learning and financial skills. This includes supporting guidelines for developing financial skills of the Ministry of Finance and related agencies in the future.

For the preparation of the website This is one of the projects under the Financial Literacy Program of the Thai Capital Market Development Plan 2017-2021 through cooperation between government agencies. And agencies involved in a total of 12 locations, including FPO, Ministry of Finance. Which is the central agency for setting policies and guidelines for the preparation of the website And integrate the operations between relevant departments

Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Which has been assigned to prepare and maintain the website (Web Master) to have accurate and up to date information. Bank of Thailand Office of Insurance Commission and Promotion The Stock Exchange of Thailand Social Security Office Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Government Savings Bank Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand

Government Pension Fund National Savings Fund and National Credit Information Company Limited, which jointly created the website Each agency is responsible for the content and information in the relevant areas as the owner of the information. Developing financial skills is a national agenda that the Ministry of Finance and the above entities attach great importance to and continue to operate.

NESDB and the 12 departments of website publishers therefore invite people of all ages From school age to retirement age Access to research information and financial knowledge on the website. www. know about money. com Which covers various dimensions of financial knowledge such as personal finance management Emergency savings and retirement Making savings through investment The importance of insurance Financial products and services that suit them Tax management Government financial measures Technology and financial scam, including channels

Providing clues and contacting government agencies directly, etc. This is another tool for learning and developing financial skills by yourself. You can choose to search by age, occupation and topic of interest.

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