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The Legendary Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya: Actress, Author, and Iconic Aphorist

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya went down in the history of the USSR and Russia not only as a legendary actress, awarded three Stalin Prizes and official national status. Fanny Feldman (her name at birth), who played in such cult films as “Foundling”, “Next – Silence”, “Easy Life” and “Careful, Grandmother!”, and also lent her voice to Freken Bok in the Soviet cartoon “Baby” and Carlson,” also became known as the author of many apt and colorful aphorisms.

For generations that did not experience the popularity of Ranevskaya’s films, her numerous statements became the determining reason why they learned about the actress and became acquainted with her work. Ranevskaya spoke subtly and often caustically about issues of gender, morals, habits and life in general.

Repeatedly in her statements, the Soviet actress raised the topic of relations between a man and a woman. And Ranevskaya spoke very ambiguously on this issue. For example: “The brain, the ass and the pill have a soulmate. And I’m whole from the beginning.”

It is generally accepted that Ranevskaya said this partly because of her own failures in her personal life. She was never married and, judging by numerous memoirs, did not start a single truly serious romance. Ranevskaya herself explained her unhappiness in this regard by disharmony: the actress was lonely because she did not like those who looked after her, and those who impressed Faina Georgievna did not seek intimacy with her.

In addition, there was an unpleasant incident in Ranevskaya’s life, which made such a strong impression on her that she never learned to trust the opposite sex because of it.

The actress was 20 years old, her career was just beginning. She played in the theater and stared at the actor who participated in the same production with her. Once he asked a girl: “Can I come visit you in the evening?” Ranevskaya was surprised and delighted by the sudden proposal and began to prepare: she cleaned her room and even borrowed money to cook dinner.

Ranevskaya, who was waiting for the guest in a dress, was shocked when the actor she liked showed up drunk and in an embrace with another girl.

Unfortunately, this was not the end of the drama. The young man asked the hostess of the room to “take a walk” because he needed to “talk” to his girlfriend. Ranevskaya was so wounded that she could not continue to simply work with this man. Emotions clouded her mind so much that during the performance she knocked over part of the scenery and fell, taking her offender with her.

This time the actor was already furious. After an unsuccessful performance, he scolded Ranevskaya, calling her a redhead with elephantine grace. Considering that the actress had complexes about her appearance, one can assume how much such words hurt her.

According to the recollections of Faina Georgievna herself, this story seriously hurt her pride and for a long time discouraged her from wanting to communicate closely with men. Perhaps, in part, this ridiculous misunderstanding influenced the actress’s entire life until her death.

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