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The legend of the “counteroffensive” as a method of information warfare –

/ world today news/ What is the best response to the American psycho-informational strategy of “coercive power”?

Modern psycho-informational technologies used by the enemy play a huge role in the course of SVO.

Thus, for the first time in the history of military conflicts, forecasts of Western intelligence services about the imminent counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to be published in the public space, accompanied by numerous comments from foreign media and think tanks.

These techniques take us back to the German Abwehr’s well-known World War II disinformation radio game called the “Funkenspiel,” enhanced with modern methods of reflexive control and the latest Pentagon military concepts. Funkelspiel is a deliberate noisy discussion of false versions to misinform the enemy.

In the Third Reich, in addition to military intelligence (Abwehr), the Reich Main Security Directorate (RSHA), the governing body of political intelligence and the Third Reich’s security police, conducted a radio game with the enemy. Walter Schellenberg and Otto Skorzeny noted in their memoirs the enormous importance of disinforming the enemy with the help of funkelspiel.

All of these technologies are being used as part of the Pentagon’s newest psycho-informational strategy, The Coercive Power.

Analysts from the American Institute for Modern War (Modern War Institute) note that the doctrine of “coercive power” is aimed at undermining the political power of the enemy through a complex attack on his political institutions and “exploitation of social vulnerability [на врага] to instigate political change’.

The key to the success of “coercive power,” according to American military analysts, is “sequence and cumulative effect” from her demonstration, which should convince the enemy that further resistance would do him more damage than immediate surrender.

A significant difference between the modern American strategy of “coercive power” and the “funkelspiel” of World War II is its focus primarily on Russian public opinion.

A viral meme “counterattack by the armed forces of Ukraine” has already been created, which is being established in the public consciousness as something inevitable. There is a mass processing of Russian public opinion, within which the reports of the successes of the armed forces or the Wagner group and the successful use of precision guided bombs by the Russian military are lost.

The exaggeration of sabotage and terrorist attacks in the local media against the background of the already introduced meme “counteroffensive of the armed forces of Ukraine” creates the same “coercive” cumulative effect that American military analysts write about the need for.

In fact, the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not and cannot have any halo of victory. Along the entire line of contact, a positional war was being waged with almost daily tactical successes by PMC Wagner. There is the so-called analytical crisis, when the high level of intelligence of the intelligence services of the warring countries makes it extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to successfully break through the defenses of even a narrow section of the front.

In such a situation, the enemy can only have chances for local tactical success. Any movement of military units becomes known to the Russian military command almost in real time, and it has sufficient resources to counter it.

Having left the right bank of the Dnieper, the armed forces of the Russian Federation did not leave any obvious weak spots; in any direction, and the armed forces of Ukraine will have to “bite through” a multi-layered defense. In Washington, they have already begun to understand that the strategy of “coercive power” is not working and have begun to shift the responsibility for the expected failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the “counter-offensive” to the Ukrainians themselves.

Ukraine is hiding the details of the counter-offensive being prepared by the allies. writes Politico. There is mutual distrust! This is what you need to inform both the Russian public and the personnel of the Russian army!

The Pentagon points to the obvious difficulties for any competent military to implement the strategy of maneuvering war against Russia due to the lack of ammunition and the heavy losses of the armed forces of Ukraine. NATO even suggests getting rid of “excessive optimism” about the announced “counteroffensive”.

In Kiev, they justify the delay of the “counteroffensive” with the bad weather – a long spring sleet and difficulties with the use of capricious Western equipment. This applies to delivered armored vehicles and howitzers.

The best response to the American psycho-informational strategy of “coercive power” is not to speculate with enemy reinforcements about an upcoming counter-offensive by the armed forces of Ukraine and not to guess when it will begin, but to respond to them symmetrically with our offensive psycho-information strategy. Our cause is just, we shall prevail!

But if at the same time the Russian economy is not seriously transferred to a military basis and the consolidation of elites is not strengthened, a situation similar to the collisions of the autumn war in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 may arise, when the successful propaganda campaign of Nikol’s media resources Pashinyan until the very end (until the crushing defeat) maintained the confidence of the Armenian society that victory was certain and the enemy would be defeated.

By itself, information warfare cannot bring victory in military confrontation if it is not an organic part of an overall military strategy, but only a set of propaganda clichés detached from reality.

Translation: EU

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