Of all the saints of Auvergne, Saint Austremoine is undoubtedly the most respected. First bishop of Clermont, he is the oldest and some of our most beautiful monuments bear his name! However, he is far from being the most revered. His disciple, Saint Nectaire, about whom we know almost nothing, largely stole the show!
Sacred Saint Austremoine! He is undoubtedly the emblematic figure of the Saints of Auvergne, and better than that, he is a bit like their boss!
All the great saints of Auvergne, from Mary to Baudime via Nectaire, were part of his team who left to evangelize Auvergne at a time when Christianity was in its infancy. They were also forced to flee Rome around 250 when the emperor Decius had decided to condemn to death all those who did not embrace the traditional Roman cult.
2023-12-25 16:11:01
#Religion #amusing #story #saints #Auvergne