Home » today » News » The left-wing opposition to the municipal council of Montluçon (Allier) now split into two groups

The left-wing opposition to the municipal council of Montluçon (Allier) now split into two groups

In Montluçon, the five opposition municipal councilors, from the united left list which came in second in the last municipal elections, will no longer speak with one voice.

A new group with Juliette Werth, Pierre Mothet and Sylvie Gouzien

Pierre Mothet announced it, this Tuesday, June 29, during the municipal council. The mayor, Frédéric Laporte (LR) had been informed the day before.

Juliette Werth, Sylvie Gouzien and he decided to form a group without the Communists Philippe Denizot and Geneviève De Gouveia. They baptized it “citizen left”.

Pierre Mothet, yet still a member of the PC, just like Sylvie Gouzien, spoke at the start of the council to briefly explain this choice. He indicated that these elected officials no longer share the “values” of “loyalty and respect” necessary to be part of the same group.

Geneviève De Gouveia and Philippe Denizot were not aware

Geneviève De Gouveia and Philippe Denizot discovered this split during the board meeting. “We are used to the shattering announcements of the youngest of the team (Pierre Mothet, Editor’s note). With him, we associate and then we divorce. There, we will be going through a period of divorce and we may remarry in five years. “

We all have in our family a cousin who goes away who comes back, who changes his mood and that’s it

The fault of the departmental, but not only …

Obviously, the departmental election campaign weighed on this outcome. Candidate in 2015 in the canton of Montluçon-3, Pierre Mothet presented himself again this year, in pairs precisely with Sylvie Gouzien … but without the support of the Communist Party. And therefore without the investiture of the list “Allier unites us” which had focused its choice on the pair Magali Ferreira-Neves (PC) and Jacques Chanudet (EELV).

The URB largely prevails on the left and the ecologists in the canton of Montluçon-3 (Allier)

“Of course it’s because of that,” said Geneviève De Gouveia at the end of the municipal council. In the Communist Party, you must have been voted (sic) by your comrades to participate in a campaign. We cannot proclaim ourselves. So there was an election of candidates and he (Pierre Mothet, Editor’s note) could not digest not having been chosen. “

Pierre Mothet did not hold back his blows when answering. And to evoke a “campaign built on the canton of Montluçon-3 to settle our account with Sylvie Gouzien. There is no way I will go through this for five years. Contrary to what she thinks Madame De Gouveia will not see me come back. And none of us three will resign from the municipal council to give way to Magali Ferreira-Neves and Jacques Chanudet ”.

There are also different behaviors, sometimes and often from Mr. Denizot, who had comments about me during the campaign that caused confidence to be broken. As much as they remain partners on the left, it is no longer possible for us to sit in the same group

Mayor Frédéric Laporte made no comment. He indicated that a new organization of the boardroom would be put in place at the start of the school year to allow the two groups to sit separately.

Michael Nicolas

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