Home » today » World » The left in Sofia is disturbed by the scandal with the history programs for the 10th grade – 2024-08-06 15:09:21

The left in Sofia is disturbed by the scandal with the history programs for the 10th grade – 2024-08-06 15:09:21

/View.info/ Position of the BSP City Council – Sofia

Subject: The History and Civilization Program for Class X approved by the Minister of Education and Science

The City Council of BSP – Sofia is seriously disturbed by yet another attempt to use the Bulgarian education system to impose ideologues and stereotypes fabricated by world neoliberalism and its representatives in our country. In this case, with the adopted syllabus of History and Civilization for Class X students.

Already during the first cabinet of Boyko Borisov (2009 – 2013), a report was developed with the task of rewriting Bulgarian history, which would become a tool for the education of the so-called civil society of the Sorosoid type. Then the authors fulfilled the task of revealing the “discriminatory” role and intolerant attitude of the Bulgarian classics, suggesting that the works of Botev, Vazov, Yavorov, Elin Pelin, Debelyanov, Yovkov, Smirnenski, Geo Milev, Vaptsarov be thrown out of the curriculum. These anti-cultural acts became part of the politics of the caretaker governments appointed by President Rosen Plevneliev.

During the second cabinet of Boyko Borisov (2014-2016), with the participation of the Reform Bloc, the rulers once again reached for the emblems of our national memory, but above all for the signs and symbols of the revolutionary and social struggles in our country. Foreign foundations and their Bulgarian emissaries held open lessons on anti-communism in the Bulgarian school, presenting outright lies and gross manipulations about the historical path of Bulgaria in the second half of the 20th century. Minister Kuneva stimulated this process, as well as the multiplication of amnesia about Nazism and its terrible deeds in our country.

And today, the third cabinet of Boyko Borisov legalized such programs in history and civilization, in which students will have to learn the thousand-year historical development of the peoples of the Bulgarian lands in one year. That, in itself, is nonsense. The previous approach, according to which the learning of Bulgarian history is carried out in stages in view of the age characteristics of the students, is being deleted, and what is even more harmful, Bulgarian history ceases to be specially identified in the context of European and world history, to dissolve in them as one of their equal components.

So, the new history program for class X, based on processes that have been going on for more than ten millennia on the Bulgarian lands, is unscientific and at the same time overwhelming to learn. The only explanation for the introduction of such a program is if the native neoliberals, who took key positions in the administration of the state, decided that young Bulgarians should know as little and as eclectically as possible about their own country and cultural belonging.

After the attempt against the core of cultural identity, the essence of a large part of the events in the twentieth century is attacked, again through the prism of the ideological clichés of neoliberal thinking and propaganda. Students will have to learn and memorize the following concepts as the most typical for the history of the first and second half of the 20th century: terror, assassination, communism, sovietization, dictatorship of the proletariat, expropriation, Communist International, non-party regime, People’s Court, repressive apparatus, “labour-educational dormitories” (camps), forced laborers, “Renaissance Process”, socialist industrialization, forced co-operation, emigration.

At the same time, there is not a word about the murder of Stamboliyski, about the world’s first anti-fascist uprising – the September Uprising. There is no mention of the Law for the Protection of the State, adopted as early as 1924, which in the 1940s was saturated with even more radical penal texts. There is no mention of the Bulgarian communists, farmers, left-wing intellectuals killed without trial and sentence, including Geo Milev, Hristo Yasenov, Yosif Herbst, Georgi Sheitanov. There is no mention of Bulgaria joining the fascist coalition with the active role of Bogdan Filov and Boris III. There is not a word about the murdered children from Yastrebino, about the impaled heads of partisans and executioners. Not a word about fascism, Nazism, Hitlerism, the Holocaust, concentration camps.

There is hardly a Bulgarian who is not aware that modern neoliberalism is characterized by the erasure of truths from the national cultural and historical memory, by the upbringing in anti-communism and Russophobia. There is hardly a Bulgarian who is not aware that the generously paid agents of George Soros and other foreign foundations are carrying out the orders of their masters to poison the Bulgarian society with falsehoods and gross forgeries. There is hardly a Bulgarian who is not aware that, under the pretext of studying national history, lies are being disseminated about Bulgaria’s recent history, and young Bulgarians are being grossly manipulated: they are being brought up to hate everything that is the result of the collective energy of of our people, from their revolutionary and social urges, are turning into national nihilists and otzerugatilers.

We, the socialists from Sofia, warn the people’s representatives, the government of Bulgaria and personally the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov that playing with Bulgarian history, neglecting major historical events, attempts to erase fascism and Hitlerism from the memory of the Bulgarian people divides us not only as society, but also from the fundamental values ​​of the European Union.

We demand that the Bulgarian government withdraw the programs on history and civilization for class X. To organize a public discussion of the programs on Bulgarian history and Bulgarian literature, developed for the Bulgarian school, with a view to their objective illumination.

The City Council of the BSP – Sofia demands the resignation of the Minister of Education and Science, who bears the main blame for the adoption and approval of the program on History and Civilization for Class X, which distorts our national history, erases the anti-fascist resistance in our country and actually helps to rehabilitate of fascism.

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