Home » News » “The Lebanese presidential crisis and regional politics: analysis by political analyst Antoine Nasrallah on “Spot Shot””

“The Lebanese presidential crisis and regional politics: analysis by political analyst Antoine Nasrallah on “Spot Shot””

“spot shot”

Political analyst Antoine Nasrallah pointed out that “the Iranian-Saudi agreement has not yet reached Lebanon, and that Hezbollah is not only a Lebanese player, but also a regional player, and it has its say in the region and Iran, and the party that decides internally in the presidential file is Hezbollah.”

In an interview with the “Point of View” program via “Spot Shot”, he said: “All data indicate that there will be no president for the republic in Lebanon soon, and the word France alone has never produced a president, and the one who can produce the president is the American, and the latter has not said his word yet.” And the settlement lies in Tehran, Saudi Arabia and Washington.

He added, “Saudi Arabia can change its mind about Franjieh, but it cannot pressure to elect him. As for Samir Geagea and Gebran Bassil, they reject him because they want their honorable person.”

Nasrallah affirmed, “Unfortunately, the Maronite leaders believe today that there is no salvation for the country except in their person, but the idea of ​​a strong president fell with Michel Aoun, and a moderate president with Michel Suleiman.”

And he added, “What saves Lebanon is the establishment of institutions, and our officials are short, so we always look abroad, and presidential elections are currently impossible to hold without great external pressure.”

He pointed out that Christian leaders must “comprehend the change in the regional scene, and they must read it well and they must confront it, otherwise we will pay the price as in 1990. All the positions of Lebanese politicians are populist without preparing strategies.”

Nasrallah concluded, saying: “Populism exists among the three Christian parties, among the 3 C: Geagea, Gemayel the son, and Gibran, and they must be aware of the stage in which Christians can play an important and large role, and they must get out of their own ego.”

2023-04-27 16:11:30
#Corpse #hunters #Frightening #facts #shake #thrones #Geagea #Bassil.. #Nasrallah #God #protect #Christians #fear

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