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The League of Governors called to prevent the “subjugation of the foundations of federalism”

The League of Peronist Governors. / Photo: Press

The League of Peronist Governors this Monday it resolved to give a mandate to the state prosecutors of their provinces, who appeared at the headquarters Supreme Court as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in the dispute between the City of Buenos Aires and the National Government for the distribution of funds, so that they renew their request to be heard in the amparo appeal currently being drafted on this matter and to avoid “the ‘subjugation of the foundations of federalism”, say party sources.

The governors met between 14:00 and 15:30 at the Federal Investment Council (CFI), in downtown Buenos Aires, with the presence of 13 provincial leaders (two of them via Zoom), to discuss what they consider “the worrying situation of Argentine federalism”.

They warned him against the journalistic versions, they said, “increasingly insistent of an imminent sentence in favor of the head of government of the city of Buenos Aires (Horacio Rodríguez Larreta), who would mean a shameful transfer of resources to the richest city in the country, to the detriment of the rest of Argentina”the informants said.

In this sense, it was decided to give a mandate to the State Attorneys of the provinces that appeared in the deed Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation as amicus curiae, reiterating the request to be heard in the amparo appeal under preparation on the issue of the redistribution of funds ordered in 2020 by the national government between the city of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires.

Since the reallocation of money that the government of Maurizio Macri to the administration of Buenos Aires for the transfer of the Police to the city, Rodriguez Larreta He filed an amparo with the intention of recovering that money and the matter is a resolution of the Court.

Lara Sartore's photo
Photo: Lara Sartor

Furthermore, the meeting discussed various strategies to follow in the event of a sentence which, if it were favorable to the Buenos Aires government, the presidents consider “unjust” and “It would be an attack on the very foundations of the federal system, only to increase the electoral finances of the party that governs from the federal capital”the added sources.

The governors have decided to use all available mechanisms to prevent “this possible subjugation of the same foundations that gave birth to our nation since, without federalism, the homeland does not exist”they added.

The governors were at the meeting Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Sergio Zilio (The Pampas), Ricardo Quintella (La Rioja), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Gerard Zamora (Santiago del Estero), Sergio Unac (Saint John), Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucuman), Oscar Herrera Ahuad (Missions), Guild Shattered (Formosa), Mariano Arcioni (Chubut) e Alice Kirchner (Santa Cruz). Jorge Capitanich (Cacco) and gustatory edget (Entre Ríos) did it via Zoom.

Then, between 15:30 and 18:00, a meeting wanted by the leadership of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) was held, where issues of institutional and political relevance were discussed, as the first meeting between different sectors, which will expand to more in the coming days.

The members of the “small table” of the CGT, Héctor Daer and Carlos Acuña (co-directors of the union), Andrés Rodríguez (UPCN), Gerardo Martínez (UOCRA) and Armando Cavalieri (Commerce), as well as Juan Carlos Schmid, took part (Dredging and Reporting).

After a long exchange of views, governors and workers’ representatives agreed that facing the assassination attempt on the vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchnerbefore, and now with the “attempt to prescribe” him to public offices due to the court ruling against him, “We are facing a situation of extreme institutional gravity that affects the very foundations of democracy in our country”the spokesmen stressed.

The governors have asked to avoid “subjugating the foundations of federalism”.

Daer stated after the meeting at a press conference that “this meeting was prior” to the resignations of the Vice President nominations and said that “Comrade’s situation was in the conversation and we ratified the same thing we said at the CGT: that it is an absurd sentence, rigged with interest, and which has to do with a conviction and a ban».

On the other hand, he stressed that the meeting with the governors was “to talk about the need to politically build a common issue to generate a structure that has the capacity, not only for electoral purposes, but also, starting from the elections of 2003, to structure itself to transform the country and definitively put an end to this situation of economic and social uncertainty”.

“There is no mention of candidates or spaces in the lists”Daer clarified, but “to converge, the organized labor movement, by the CGT and the Peronist national trade union movement with the governors”, and delimited that “the meetings will be extended to social movements and mayors”.

“It will be necessary to incorporate the President himself (Alberto Fernández) into this body and find a common path of debate”and build “a strategy and a platform to carry forward an electoral process between now and 2023 and, after winning the elections, a process of transformation of the country”, contributed the trade unionist.

“We have talked to many of them and we have always had the premise of joining the organized labor movement with the governors, who are the essential pillar in democratic terms of the territories,” said the co-head of the CGT.

And he aimed to have “a look of unity, to start building together, to have mutual recognition of all sectors of Peronism, and in that mutual recognition to find the best paths towards the future”.

Andrés Rodríguez for his part expressed that the idea is to set up “a political table” and added that “we have been invited to exchange ideas between those who manage the territory and us, who have representation with the labor sector and who have social connotations”.

“We are not talking about candidates, but about the reorganization of Peronism, which has the strength to react, and we are all committed to this,” the UPCN headline concluded.

Meanwhile, Uñac did not speak of the possible presidential candidacy of a governor because “I don’t think this is exactly the intention”.

“It could be that the result is that. If there are governors who may have marked reasonable efforts in their provinces, which of course may be in a starting grid for the presidential question, but the governors are focused on what is happening in our territories and that is our first objective”, he explained.

Along the same lines Quintela, who stated that many governors “are able to be pre-candidates or candidates for Justicialismo” because “they have a lot of experience, demonstrated skills, know what it means to administer a province, and obviously it can also be projected into the national “, although he clarified that “I can’t anticipate anything because we have never talked about this topic”.

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