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The leaders of the Campania industry: «Differentiated autonomy will split the country»

«The differentiated autonomy, included in the reform of the fifth title of the Constitution, introduced in 2001, remained ignored for years and this government, continuing the work started by previous governments, intended to relaunch it. In the current system, differentiated autonomy will provide for negotiation between the regions and the government for the delegation of exclusive legislative power in a series of very important matters, which are listed in article 117 of the Constitution. Many also impact industrial policy.” Antonio Visconti, president of Ficei and Asi Consortium of Salerno, said this at the opening of the “Sud Nord Invest” event underway at the Maritime Station of Salerno.

«We imagine in the context of territorial governance, therefore the industrial discipline, the urban planning discipline which could vary from region to region and see different regulations between them. We could find ourselves having 20 different management systems in many fields such as energy production and transport. On the one hand, all of this could improve the relationship between businesses and institutions, being able to count on a shorter management chain of command, but on the other hand there could be the risk of encouraging fragmentation and a loss of competitiveness of our country system » underlined Visconti.

For the president of Confindutria Salerno, Antonio Ferraioli, Italy is recognized worldwide for «Made in Italy, and being able to allow the regions to present themselves as Made in Veneto, Made in Lombardy, rather than Made in Campania, it is absolutely counterproductive. Two sectors such as fashion and agri-food are a pillar of exports at a national level, not at a territorial level. We are recognized because as Italians we know how to do things well. I hope that a solution can be found because, I am convinced, going to a referendum would be negative for the very unity of the country.”

«The position of Confindustria Campania is the one anticipated by our friend Antonio Ferraioli, but the approach we have had with respect to this law is and must necessarily be secular because I believe that this very approach gives us greater strength to demolish this reform » stated Emilio De Vizia, president of Confindustria Campania.

«We run – he further explained – the risk of taking one step forward and three steps back. It would be useful for all parties to meet and discuss institutional reforms. I don’t think it takes much to say that it’s a somewhat botched law, a bit hastily made. A law that can give a series of skills to regions that have different nature and history. To regions that have 10 million inhabitants, and to regions that have 100 thousand. I believe it is truly something that will not bring benefits but will burden everyone’s lives.”

«Italy is an important part of Europe, but the image of dividing the country into particles is not convincing, let’s imagine what will happen if this happens. Rest assured that then, once differentiated autonomy comes into force and the country is divided into regional sectors, within them there will be the richest provinces and the poorest provinces. They will start to say: but why does the money have to stay only in the region? We must return to the provinces because certain provinces have produced more than others” points out Andrea Prete, president of Unioncamere, who adds: “the issue seemed to me, I say this calmly, a bill of exchange to be paid by the government”.

«It is true that in all the decades that preceded us there were measures to relaunch development, to relaunch businesses, but these measures very often travel within a well-defined framework of what the country’s development is. Today we talk about the United States of Europe and we instead talk about divided states in Italy, that is, a truly large-scale paradox” said Costanzo Carrieri, vice-president of Ficei and president of the Asi Consortium of Taranto.

«We must – he continued – have a logic and an overall picture. It is true that very often these resources are made available, in the north with the ZLS, the simplified logistical zones, in the south with the single SEZ, but it is still true that a cohesion framework is missing, a strategy is missing, an overall vision is missing that can give the country healthy connotations, real connotations, concrete connotations of a policy that can allow us to compete not internally, where we are very often forced to compete. It must allow us to act and deal across borders with a certainly global market.”

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– 2024-09-27 12:57:57

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